In the current stage of the global economic crisis the challenges faced by the developed world and Hungary are similar. One of the main issues that intrigue economists these days is whether the deleveraging process necessary for sustainable growth and economic activity can exist simultaneously. In an era of creditless growth and fiscal adjustments it would be important that economic growth dissipates the distress caused by the credit crisis. But there are debates as to what mixture of economic policy measures should be applied. There is no consensus on the optimal degree of fiscal adjustment or what role monetary policy should play. There is neither a wide-scale agreement as to what competitiveness-enhancing measures should be implemented to maintain economic growth. Within this subject it also seems to be an important question how the state should approach the financial sector: whether it should treat it as a taxable economic player or as a financial intermediary that is indispensable for economic upturn. In the meantime, the patience of the funding countries and institutions will be put to the test for a long time. Hence the question arises: what environment should we expect on the money and capital markets in this peculiar period?
Besides the market environment there are, of course, a lot of other factors that determine what turn Hungary’s “détente" with the IMF/EU, which has been dragging out for almost a year now, will take.
In this respect we are seeking answers not only to why Hungary would need a financial backdrop, but also what package of economic policy measures would be necessary to kick-start growth and investments and also how a sustainably declining debt path could be ensured.
Our goal is to create a forum where decision makers, academics, economic experts, market players and corporate leaders can discuss these issues together, evaluate the situation and have a debate on what short-term and long-term solutions they find best.
TARGET AUDIENCE:Our conference can provide useful information to:
• financial directors
• financing experts
• consultants
• lawyers
• Entrepreneurs and business owners
• middle and top management of financial institutions
• players on the sales side of the sector
• private equity & venture capital investors
• corporate finance experts
PARTICIPANTS OF THE BUDAPEST ECONOMIC FORUM 2012:AC su misura, ACG Reklámügynökség Kft., AEGON Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Agrimpex Kft., AIG/Lincoln Kft., Allianz Investmentbank AG, ARGO Hungary Consulting Kft., Aromo Consult Kft, Asia Asset Management, Ausztrál Nagykövetség, Az Országgyűlés Gazdasági és Informatikai Bizottsága, Banco Popolare, BankCom Tanácsadó Kft., BÁV (Bizományi Kereskedőház Aukció Aukciósház Zálog Záloghitel), Bezenye Községi Önkrományzat Polgármesteri Hivatala, BNP Paribas Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Brink's C.L. Hungaria Zrt., Buda-Cash Brókerház Zrt., Budapest Alapkezelő Zrt., Budapest Bank, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Budapesti Erőmű ZRt., Central-Fund Zrt., CEZ Magyarország Kft., Chartis/AIG, CIB Bank Zrt., CIB Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Concorde Alapkezelő Zrt., Concorde Értékpapír Zrt., Deloitte, Deutsche Leasing Hungaria Zrt., Diófa Alapkezelő Zrt., Embassy of Spain, Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Etalon Csoport, Európai Bizottság, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, evosoft Hungary Kft., Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda, FHB Bank Zrt., Fővárosi Gázművek Zrt., GDF SUEZ Energia Holding Hungary ZRt., GEFCO Magyarország Kft., Generali Alapkezelő Zrt., Gold Energy Consulting Kft., Goldman Sachs, HAX Zrt., Haza és Haladás, HLB Klient Adótanácsadó Kft., I Concorde Értékpapír Zrt., IH Kft., InHold Pénzügyi Zrt., Institute of International Finance, Europe Department, Iron Mountain Kft., Ithuba Capital, K&H Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., KBC Securities Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Közpolitikai Kutatások Intézete, KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Pénzverő Zrt., Magyar Posta Zrt., Magyar Záloghitel Zrt., Magyarország Kormánya, Medilearn, Medley Global Advisors, MMBF Zrt., MOL Nyrt., MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet, Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Novartis, Óbudai Egyetem Keleti Károly Gazdasági Kar, Oriens IM, OTP Bank Nyrt., Pannónia Nyugdíjpénztár, Pannonmill Zrt., Pénzügyi Szervezetek Állami Felügyelete, Pioneer Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Portico Investment, Provident Pénzügyi Zrt.,PwC Magyarország, Raiffeisen Capital Management, Rajk László Szakkollégium, Réczicza White and Case LLP Ügyvédi Iroda, Revetas Capital, Ridge Road Kft., Simonyi és Tóth Kft., Société Générale, Spiro Sovereign Strategy, Svédország Nagykövetsége, Tatár Pékség Kft., Telenor, UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Union Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt., Uniqa Biztosító, Varsói Értéktőzsde, Waberer's
FOCUS TOPICS OF THE CONFERENCE: • What can banks do for the economy?
• Debt Crisis and Growth
• Hungary and the region
• Do we need the euro?
• Hungary in 2012-2014
THE EVENT: DATE: October 16, 2012, (9 am.-5 pm.) PLACE: Hilton Budapest, Buda Castle (1014 Budapest, Hess András tér 1-3. HUNGARY)
Hotel Information, Map & LocationCOST: HUF 69,900 + VAT / person
Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks.
The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.
DISCOUNTS:- 10% discount is available for 2 registrations,
20% on 3 or more.Discounts cannot be combined!
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Program - Krisztina Kovács, Analyst, tel.: +36 1/428-9061, e-mail:
Sponsorship - Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy-CEO/Sales, tel.: +36 1/ 327-40-88, e-mail:
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