The debt crisis brought about a change in the life of Europe. After Greece and Ireland a third country, Portugal, was also forced to resort to outside help, but the situation remains the worst in Greece. In the middle of the summer Athens was granted yet another bailout; the question is whether this will be enough for survival and what will happen with the other seriously indebted countries (with debt-to-GDP ratios of over 100%). Meanwhile, disturbing reports have been coming in from the United States as well. A few days after the debate on the debt ceiling was closed Standard & Poor’s downgraded the U.S. credit rating by one notch from AAA, which triggered a worldwide panic. Should the financial sectors and bondholders be concerned that they could also suffer further losses?
Being heavily indebted is a problem Hungary knows only too well. The country’s debt-to-GDP ratio rose to over 80%, but the current government hopes that by the recently announced structural reform measures it will be able to reduce public debt to 65% of GDP by 2015. What is the outlook on the Hungarian economy then? And what breakout points does the country have?
FOCUS TOPICS OF THE CONFERENCE: • Creditless growth - What can banks do for the economy?
• Debt crisis - How does it look like from Brussels
• Hungary and the region - How do they look like from London?
• Do we need the euro?
• Hungary in 2011-2013
TARGET AUDIENCE:Our conference can provide useful information to:
• financial directors
• financing experts
• consultants
• lawyers
• Entrepreneurs and business owners
• middle and top management of financial institutions
• players on the sales side of the sector
• private equity & venture capital investors
• corporate finance experts
THE EVENT: DATE: October 27, 2011, (8:30 am.-12:00 am.) PLACE: SOFITEL Hotel (1051 Budapest, Széchenyi tér 2., former Roosevelt tér 2.)
Hotel Information, Map & LocationCOST: HUF 49,900 + VAT / person
Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks.
The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.
DISCOUNTS:- 10% discount is available for 2 registrations,
20% on 3 or more.PARTICIPANTS OF THE BUDAPEST ECONOMIC FORUM 2011 (at the moment):Andrékó Kinstellar Ügyvédi Iroda, Artio Global Investors, ÁKK Zrt., Bank Gutmann AG, Bánáti + Hartvig Építész Iroda Kft., BNP Paribas Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Bruegel Intézet, Budapest Bank Nyrt., Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Capital Systems Informatikai Kft., Caxton Associates Lpm, CEMP, Citibank, Commerzbank, Concorde Alapkezelő Zrt., Concorde Értékpapír Zrt., CRIF Zrt., Deloitte Zrt., Deutsche Leasing Hungaria Zrt., Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt., Dr. Kővári-Tóth Andrea Ügyvédi Iroda, EBRD, Equilor Befektetesi Zrt., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Erste Group Bank AG, Erste Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt., E-Star, Európai Bizottság, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda, FHB Bank, GEFCO Magyarország Kft., Graphisoft, Hajdú és Pázsitka Ügyvédi iroda, Horváth és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda (Dla Piper), Hungarograin Zrt., IMF, Info Befektetés-szervező és Ingatlanforgalmazó Kft., Intrum Justitia Kft., Iron Mountain Magyarország Kft., K & H Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank Zrt., KARÁDI Rendszerház Kft., KBC Securities Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Költségvetési Felelősségi Intézet Budapest, Magyar Acél- és Fémkereskedők Egyesülete, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Merrill Lynch, MICHELIN Hungária Abroncsgyártó Kft., Miniszterelnökség, MOL, Monnet Kft., Montivíz Zrt., Morando Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt., MSCI Kft., MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet, NAGÉV Ipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft., Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium (NGM), Noerr & Társai Iroda, Nomura, Ongropack Kft., Oriens IM, OTP Bank Nyrt., PannErgy Csoport, Pioneer Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Polgármesteri Hivatal Bezenye, PortfoLion Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt., PricewaterhouseCoopers, Provident Pénzügyi Zrt., RBS Global Banking & Markets, Richter Gedeon NyRt., SEWS-CE BV Magyar Fióktelep, SL Tanácsadó Kft., Sopron Bank Zrt., Stabilitás Pénztárszövetség, Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft., Takarékbank Zrt., The Boston Consulting Group, UFS Group Holding Zrt., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt....
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Program - Krisztina Kovács, Analyst, tel.: +36 1/428-9061, e-mail:
Sponsorship - Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy-CEO/Sales, tel.: +36 1/ 327-40-88, e-mail:
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