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Automotive Industry 2016

MAGE - Portfolio Conference

Date: 27th April 2016  

Location: Aquaworld Resort Budapest


  • Governmental tools and sources of growth and competitiveness in the automotive sector
  • The future is here: Alternative propulsion- and control methods in the short and long term – electric and autonomous driving
  • Supplier development sources and opportunities; Qualitative risks in the supplier chain
  • Macroeconomic incentives of education and workforce; labor market challenges
  • Improvements of productivity, digitalization of the industry; IT- and process development

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Ács László
HR Director
Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft.
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Dr. Ailer Piroska
Kecskemét College
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dr. Bottyán Balázs
Smart-Lab Consulting Co-founder and Managing Director (former Managing Director of Jedlik Ányos Klaszter)
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Csúri Ferenc
Quality Manager
BPW - Hungária Kft.
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Domanovszky Henrik
Hungarian Gas Transport Cluster Association (MGKKE), coordinator of PAN-LNG Project
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Philipp Ekkehard
Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft.
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Dr. Feszty Dániel
Total Vehicle Development, Expert
AUDI Hungaria Motor Kft.
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Gerencsér Gábor
Production Launch Manager
Opel Szentgotthard
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Hellebrandt András
International Quality Expert
Knorr-Bremse Systems for Rail Vehicles, Hungary
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Hermán Lajos
Regional Sales Manager
Bosch Rexroth
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Horváth Zoltán
Senior Manager
Robert Bosch Kft.
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Nina Kandler-Schmitt
Quality Assurance, Supplier Quality Management
Audi Hungaria Motor Kft.
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Kék Balázs
Branch Manager
Kühne+Nagel Kft.
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Kenyeresné Vörös Rita
Senior HR Manager
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Kilián Csaba
Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)
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Kleisz Zoltán
Owner, Managing Director
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Lang János
Vice President
Flex Hungary
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Látos István
HR manager
Denso Gyártó Magyarország Kft.
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Macher Márta
Macher Ltd.
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Mácz Ákos
Professional Lead
5G Coalition
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Mészáros Csaba
Chairman - Owner
evopro Holding Zrt.
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Nánássy-Kassim András
Managing Director
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Nyirő Ferenc
Industrial Digitalization Business Unit Manager
Kontron Hungary Kft.
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Alev Onur
Industrial Pool Purchasing Representative - East Europe
PSA Group
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Dr. Pata Ildikó
Owner, Managing Director
Pata József Gépipari Kft.
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Moritz Pawelke
Global and German Executive for Automotive
KPMG in Germany
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Pomázi Gyula
Head of Department
Ministry for National Economy
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Satya Prakash
Managing Director
GrayMatter - Europa
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Rádler Csaba
Sales and Marketing Manager
Rekontir BPM Kft.
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Rédai István
Plant Manager
Titán '94 Kft.
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Michael Reinig
Managing Director
LuK Savaria Kft.
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Sebestyén István
Secretary General, Co-Founder
Magyar Villanyautó Klub
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Simon István
CEO and Owner
SIMON Plastic products
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Szabó András Viktor
CEO, International automotive auditor and trainer
QFD Mérnöki Tanácsadó Iroda Kft., VDA QMC licencpartner
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Szammer István
Managing Director
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Szepessy Imre
Department Leader - E/E Advanced Development
thyssenkrupp Steering
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Szincsák Attila
DENSO Manufacturing Hungary Ltd.
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Takács Árpád
Outreach Scientist
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Toldi Balázs
Head of Citi Commercial Bank, Director
Citi Magyarország
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Dr Urbán László István
Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (AHAI): Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Magyar Suzuki Corp. Ltd.(MSC): Deputy CEO
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Vass Attila
Trigo Expert Quality Manager
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Wachter István
Quality Management
Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Hungary

Why you should come?

What are the expectations regarding the global car industry in 2016? Will the Hungarian market be able to provide a sufficient workforce for us to sustain growth? How can small- and medium companies access the development policy funds and sources? What methodologies and tools are available for the customers and their suppliers to prevent qualitative risks? What role may Hungarian suppliers play in the development of future designs? What short- and medium-term consequences may the appearance of alternative propulsion methods and the increasing presence of tech companies in the vehicle industry have? These are some of the topics that will be open for discussion at Portfolio’s and MAGE's (The Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry) joint conference, on which the most influential experts, opinion-shapers, company leaders and policy decision makers will make an appearance.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • The experts and senior management of Automotive Manufacturers (OEM) - System Integrators (TIER1) - Technology suppliers (TIER2) - Raw material manufacturers (TIER3) about the following functional areas:
  • Manufacturing, production, marketing, logistics
  • Engineering, R&D, Innovation
  • Purchasing, Sourcing
  • Project management, Product development
  • Supplier Quality Development; Quality management
  • Pricing, tendering
  • HR – recruitment, selection, labor force development, training development

Our Sponsors




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In association with

Media Partner

Will 2016 be a year of challenges? The diesel scandal, the slowing of China, the prospects of the Euro zone, the recession in Russia and Brazil, the dive of oil prices, callbacks and the unrealized abroad investments of 2015 – and at the same time, an increased need to keep up with the technological developments that indicate the future. The prospects of global economy and their effects on the capabilities of the Hungarian vehicle industry holds several challenges for OEM companies, system integrators, technology suppliers and material manufacturers.



  • Gyula Pomázi, Head of Department, Ministry for National Economy
  • Moritz Pawelke, Global and German Executive for Automotive, KPMG in Germany 
  • Csaba Kilián, CEO, Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry
  • Gábor Gerencsér, Production launch manager, OPEL Szentgotthard
  • Dr. László István Urbán, Vice President, Magyar Suzuki Zrt.,; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry
  • Philipp Ekkehard, CFO, Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft.
  • János Lang, Vice President, Flex Hungary
  • Michael Reinig, Managing Director, LuK Savaria Kft.
  • László Ács, HR Director, Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft.
  • Csaba Mészáros, President and Owner of the Evopro Group
  • Dr. Dániel Feszty, Total Vehicle Development, Expert, AUDI Hungaria Motor Kft.
  • István Simon, CEO and Owner, SIMON Plastic products
  • Rita Kenyeresné Vörös, HR Director, LuK Savaria Kft.
  • István Látos, General Manager HR/GA/SHE, DENSO Manufacturing Hungary
  • András Nánássy, HR Director, Continental Automotive Hungary Budapest
  • Zoltán Horváth, Senior Manager, Robert Bosch Kft.
  • Alev Onur, Industrial Pool Purchasing Representative - East Europe, PSA Group
  • Attila Szincsák, General Manager of Business Administration, DENSO Manufacturing Hungary Ltd.
  • Balázs Toldi, CEO, Budapest Leasing
  • Zoltán Kleisz, Owner, Managing Director, MATRO Kft.
  • Dr. Ildikó Pata, Commercial Director, Pata József Gépipari Kft.
  • Endréné Macher, Managing Director, Macher Gépészeti és Elektronikai Kft,
  • Nina Kandler-Schmitt, Quality Assurance, Supplier Quality Management, Audi Hungaria Motor Kft.
  • István Wachter, Manager SQA, Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Hungary
  • András Viktor Szabó, CEO, International automotive auditor and trainer, QFD Mérnöki Tanácsadó Iroda Kft., VDA QMC licencpartner
  • András Hellebrandt, International Quality Expert, Knorr-Bremse Systems for Rail Vehicles, Hungary
  • Attila Vass, Trigo Expert Quality Manager, TRIGO CEE
  • Ferenc Csúri, Quality Leader, BPW - Hungária Kft.
  • Imre Szepessy, Department Leader, thyssenkrupp Steering
  • Lajos Hermán, Regipnal Sales Manager, Bosch Rexroth
  • Csaba Rádler, Sales and Marketing Manager, Rekontir BPM Kft.
  • István Rédai, Plant Manager, Titán '94 Kft.
  • István Szammer, Managing Director, Autopro.hu
  • Ákos Mácz, Public Affairs Director, ICT Association of Hungary - IVSZ
  • Henrik Domanovszky, Chairman, Hungarian Gas Transport Cluster Association (MGKKE), coordinator of PAN-LNG Project
  • Dr. Balázs Bottyán, Expert, Smart-Lab Consulting Co-founder and Managing Director (former Managing Director of Jedlik Ányos Klaszter)
  • István Sebestyén, Secretary General, Co-founder, Magyar Villanyautó Klub
  • Satya Prakash, Managing Director, GrayMatter - Europa
  • Balázs Kék, Branch Manager, Kühne+Nagel Kft.
  • Árpád Takács, Referent for Technology Communication, AdasWorks Kft.
  • Ferenc Nyírő, PLM/CAD/CAM branch manager, S&T Consulting Hungary Kft.



ABB Kft., AdasWorks Kft., Alap Európa Quality, Alap Európa Fejlesztő és Tanácsadó Kft., Assix Kereskedelmi és Logisztikai Zrt., Audi Hungaria Független Szakszervezet, AUDI Hungaria Motor Kft., Autopro.hu, BEKO Engineering Kft., BanKonzult Kft., BASF Hungária Kft., BI-KA Logisztika Kft., Bizerba Kft., BPW - Hungária Kft., Böllhoff Kft., Budapest Lízing, Budapest Bank, Cad-Terv Mérnöki Kft., Colliers International Hungary, Com-Forth Ipari Informatikai Kft., Continental Csoport-Magyarország, DENSO Manufacturing Hungary, DS Smith Packaging Hungary Kft., Duvenbeck Logisztikai Kft., Engin-Solv Mérnöki Kft., Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma (EMMI), Erős Ügyvédi Iroda / Squire Patton Boggs (US) LL, evopro Holding Zrt., Fémalk Zrt., Ferzol Lemezmegmunkáló Kft., FERRO-TOOL Zrt., FHB Bank Zrt., FHB Lízing Zrt., Fitting-Ker Kft., Flextronics, Franciska Termény Imput Kft., Formeld Magyarország Kft., Fuchs Oil Hungária Kft., Ganzair Kft., GDF SUEZ Energia Holding Hungary, GrayMatter, Green Packaging Kft., HAJDU Autotechnika Ipari Zrt., Happ Kft., Hays Hungary Kft., HM Currus Zrt., HOLLEN Hungária Kft., Hungexpo, IKB Leasing Kft., Infogroup Menedzsment Kft., Informatikai, Távközlési és Elektronikai Vállalkozások Szövetsége - szövetség a digitális gazdaságért, Innopod Solutions Kft., InnoSpectrum Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., Ispiro Consulting Kft., Invescom Kft., Job Impulse Hungária Kft., Jobsgarden-ITJobs Kft., Kecskeméti Főiskola, Kanadai Nagykovetseg, Knorr-Bremse Vasúti Járműrendszerek Hungária Kft., Kókai Tömítéstechnikai Kft., KPMG in Germany, KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Königfrankstahl Kft., Kühne+Nagel Kft., Lear Munkavállalók Szakszervezete, LuK Savaria Kft., MÁV Magyar Államvasutak Zrt., Macher Kft., Marsh Kft., Maltacourt Hungary Kft., MATRO Kft., MAPI Magyar Fejlesztési Iroda Zrt., Magyar Gázüzemű Közlekedés Klaszter Egyesület, Magyar Gépjárműipari Egyesület, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Suzuki Zrt., Magyar Villanyautó Klub, Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft., MKB Bank Zrt., MTA KRTK VKI, Nefab Packaging Hungary Kft., Nemak Győr Kft., Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Noerr & Társai Iroda, OPEL Szentgotthárd, Pata József Gépipari Kft., Porsche Hungaria Kft., PSA-Peugeot Citroën (Nagyszombat/Trnava), PricewaterhouseCoopers Magyarország Kft., PwC Könyvvizsgáló Kft., QFD Mérnökiroda Kft., Qualimax Group Kft., Quehenberger Logistics HU Kft., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Ratipur Kft., Rávezető Projekt Kft., Rekontir BPM Kft., Robert Bosch Elektronika Kft., Rohde & Schwarz Österreich Közvetlen Kereskedelmi Képviselet, Sämling Solution Consulting Kft., Saubermacher-FOCUSON Logistics Kft., SCA Hygiene Products Kft., Shell kenőanyagok, S&T Consulting Hungary Kft., SIMON Műanyag feldolgozó, SKITUS Project Engineering Kft., Smart-Lab Consulting, SGP-Sorting Group Hungary Kft., Snoeks Automotive CZ s.r.o., Takenaka Europe GmbH. Magyarországi Fióktelep, thyssenkrupp Ferroglobus ZRt., thyssenkrupp Steering, Timár-Gumi Kft., TGA Consult Kft., Tequa International Kft., Trenkwalder Personnel Services Ltd., TRIGO CEE, T-Systems Magyarország Zrt., Ungwire Ltd., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Volvo Hungária Kft., Weinberg 93 Építő Kft., ZF Hungária Kft....



DATE: 27th April, 2016

PLACE: Aquaworld Resort Budapest (H-1044 Budapest, Íves út 16.)

COST: HUF 49.900 + VAT / person or EUR 159 + VAT / person

Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks.
The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.


  • 10% discount is available for 2 registrations
  • 20% on 3 or more registrations
  • 10% discount is available for MAGE/AHAI members
  • 20% discount is available for MAJOSZ members

Discounts cannot be combined!

Our conference is expected not only to provide an opportunity to expand the participants’ knowledge base, but also to create an excellent forum for high-level networking and the forging of new professional relations. Our goal is more than just to organise another cut an dry event; we strive to make this conference a regular, interactive and international forum that keeps its finger on the pulse of the market.


Portfolio Conferences are organized by NET Media Inc, member of Central European Media and Publishing Group. Our events cover 7 different industries and attract more than 8000 participants annually and highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market. Find out more on www.portfolio.hu/en or conference@portfolio.hu (e-mail).


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Automotive Industry 2016


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