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Automotive Industry 2019

Portfolio-MAGE conference

Date: 10th April 2019  

Location: Aquaworld Resort Budapest


  • Executive roundtable: major players in the domestic car industry on competitiveness and directions of development
  • Production efficiency and Industry 4.0 in practice
  • Supplier development challenges
  • How do players in the Hungarian vehicle industry see the labour market?
  • How will the Hungarian automotive industry be able to adapt to the latest trends without major casualties?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Ács István
Business Development Manager
Bosch Rexroth Kft.
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Bolla Attila
Machined Parts Plant director
Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems Budapest
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Csenterics Hanna
Project Manager, organizational development consultant
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Csombor Csaba
Senior Consultant
T-Systems Magyarország
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Dr. Debreczeni Gergely
Chief Scientist
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Fonyódi Levente
Managing Director
Valeo Auto-Electric Magyarország Kft.
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Győri Imre
Managing Director
Magyarmet Finomöntöde Kft.
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Hájer-Magó Andrea
HR manager
ElringKlinger Hungary Kft.
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Hegedűs Szilveszter
Project Operative Leader and Industrial Develpment Advisor
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Dr. Holchacker Péter
Innovatív Gyógyszergyártók Egyesülete - AIPM
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HR&GA Director
Magyar Suzuki Zrt.
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Juhász Péter
Head of Strategic Purchasing
ZF Hungária Kft.
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Kilián Csaba
Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)
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Kiss Gábor
Customer relations
Innopod Solutions Kft.
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Kovács Lajos
Business Development Manager
S&T Consulting Hungary Ltd.
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Körtvélyessy Géza
Managing Director Administration
Kirchhoff Hungária Kft.
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Liebl Zoltán
Head Of Purchasing Department
Magyar Suzuki Zrt.
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Mesics Olívia
Plant Manager, Managing Director
Opel Szentgotthárd Ltd., Stellantis
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Nagy Mihály
Head of Focus Country
Continental Group Hungary
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Nagy Tamás
IT Systems and Business Process manager
Rába Csoport
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Pinczés Balázs
Hungarian HR-Network Association
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Rédai István
Plant Manager
Titán '94 Kft.
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Dr. Rosta László
Project Manager
Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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Rózsa Tamás
Managing Partner
Top Tier Consultants
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Salgó András
corporate communications manager
BMW Group Hungary
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Simon István
CEO and Owner
SIMON Plastic products
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Szabo Eva
Managing Director
GEDIA Hungary Kft.
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Szekeres Áron
HR Manager, EMEA Human Resources
Joyson Safety Systems Hungary Kft.
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Szilasi Péter Tamás
Head of Social Relations
Nemak Győr Ltd.
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Szincsák Attila
DENSO Manufacturing Hungary Ltd.
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Tián Csaba
Managing Director
Karsai Alba Kft.
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Túrmezei Zoltán
Head of Strategic Purchasing
Aventics Hungary Kft.
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Vass Tamás
Head of Central Logistics
BPW - Hungária Kft.
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Velenczei Róbert
Country Manager
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Virág Aladár
Professional Consultant an Sales
4iG Ltd.
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Wachter István
Quality Management
Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Hungary
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Gunther Wiefel
Head of Management of Prototype Manufacturing/Product Optimisation
AUDI Hungaria Zrt.

Why you should come?

The global vehicle industry has been amazingly successful in recent years as leading manufacturers and suppliers broke sales records, increased revenue dynamically and posted exorbitant profits. There are an increasing number of signs, however, that this golden age may soon be followed by a much harder period. The expected slower increase in global car sales, a potential escalation of trade wars, a further tightening of EU emissions regulations that are already hard to meet, the transition to new technologies and the sustained high prices of raw materials will all exert huge pressure on industry players.

The increasingly numerous challenges in the car industry will of course have an effect on the operations of Hungarian OEMs and suppliers as well, in a period when severe labour shortage is not only an obstacle to growth but also a threat to the competitiveness of the industry. The situation could be considerably eased by applying the solutions of Industry 4.0: digitalisation, automatisation and robotisation. No company can remain competitive in this accelerated world without development, and survival will increasingly rely on research and development in addition to manufacturing.



3D Technology Kft., AGC Glass Hungary Kft., AIPM, AMS Group Kft., AUDI Hungaria Zrt., Aerometal Kft., Aimotive, Alap Európa, Arthur Hunt, Asseco Central Europe Magyarország Zrt., Autopro.hu, Aventics Hungary Kft., BI-KA Logisztika Kft., BMW Group Magyarország, BNP Paribas, Bosch Rexroth Kft., BPW - Hungária Kft., Brit Nagykövetség, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem SAP Next-Gen Lab Kutatóközpont, CEIT a.s., Central European Investment Services Kft., Chocorino, Commerzbank Zrt., ContiTech Fluid Automotive Hungária Kft., Continental Csoport Magyarország, Continental Hungaria Kft., DBH Investment Zrt., Deloitte Zrt., Denso Gyártó Magyarország Kft., Deutsche Leasing Hungaria Zrt., ECC-Consulting Marketing és Gazdasági Tanácsadó Zrt., EDC Debrecen Nonprofit Kft., EUCHNER Magyarország Kft., ElringKlinger Hungary Kft., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Eurasia Logistics Kft., evopro systems engineering Kft., FANUC Hungary Kft., Flextronics International Kft., Fémalk Zrt., GBPRC Consulting Central Europe, GEDIA Hungary Kft., GIA Form Kft., Geodis Hungary Logistics Kft., Gloster Infokommunikációs Kft., Goodwill Consulting, Grant Thornton Corporate Finance Kft., GraphIT Kft., Greensearch Kft., H4 Customized Software Zrt., HAHN+KOLB Hungária Kft., HDH-Mérnök Kft., HNS Műszaki Fejlesztő Kft., HUNGEXPO Zrt., Hammel & Hochreiter Kft., Hanon Systems Hungary Kft., Hilti Hungária Kft., HungaroCAD Kft., INTEGRÁCIÓ Kft., ISD DUNAFERR Dunai Vasmű Zrt., Igm Robotrendszerek Kft., Infinitours Kft., Infotér, Innopod Solutions Kft., Innovatív Gyógyszergyártók Egyesülete – AIPM, Ipar 4.0 Mintagyárak kiemelt projekt, IFKA, Jankovits Engineering Kft., Jedlik Ányos Klaszter, Joint Venture Szövetség, Joyson Safety Systems Hungary Kft., Járműipar.hu, KRAFT FM Kft., Kaméleon Hungary Kft., Karsai Alba Kft., Kirchhoff Hungária Kft., Kiswire Szentgotthárd Kft., Knorr-Bremse Vasúti Járműrendszerek Hungária Kft., Lájer & V. Kft., MTA Közgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatóközpont, Világgazdasági Intézet, MTA Wigner Fizikai Kutatóközpont, Macher Zrt., Magyar Gépjárműipari Egyesület, Magyar Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara, Magyar Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara / Modern Vállalkozások Programja, Magyar Suzuki Zrt., Magyarmet Finomöntöde Kft., Mechanic-Tools Kft., Mercuri Urval GmbH, Miniszterelnökség, Mitter és Társa Kft., Mátrametál Kft., NABU Consulting & Investment Kft., NEXON, NI Hungary Kft., National Instruments, Nefab Packaging Hungary Kft., Nemak Győr Alumíniumöntöde Kft., Nemzeti Befektetési Ügynökség – HIPA, Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal, Net Mobilitás Zrt., OML, Opel Szentgotthárd, Pallér Csarnok Kft., PEX Automotive Systems Kft., Poppe + Potthoff Hungária Kft., PR Agent Communivations, PROFETT Kft., PwC Magyarország, Randstad Hungary Kft., Rába Csoport, Robert Bosch Kft., Robot-X Hungary Kft., Sheldon Invest Kft., Siemens Zrt., SIMON Műanyag Feldolgozó, STAUFEN.AG, S&T Consulting Hungary Kft., Tech Data AS Kft., TEQUA International Kft., Thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Ltd., Thyssenkrupp Materials Hungary Zrt., Tmf Magyarország Kft., Tisza Cipő Group, Titán '94 Kft., Top Tier Consultants, Transmoduls Kft., Trigo Group, Trivero Kft AUTOPRO, T-Systems Magyarország Zrt., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Valeo Auto-Electric Magyarország Kft., Vodafone Hungary, Vonalkód Rendszerház Kft., Weinberg 93 Építő Kft., Werth Magyarország Kft., ZF Hungária Kft.

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Who we recommend

  • Executives and experts of vehicle makers (OEM), system integrators (TIER1), technology suppliers (TIER2) and raw material suppliers (TIER3) from the production, sales, logistics, engineering, R&D&I, procurement, supply chain development, quality management and HR areas.
  • Logistics companies
  • Technology companies, fintech and insurtech companies, IT and IT security companies, startups
  • Representatives of banks, financial institutions and the financing side in general
  • Law offices and consultants
  • Car industry organisations, clusters, regulatory authorities
  • Energy suppliers

Our Sponsors


Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

In association with

Media Partner

At the seventh jointly organised trade conference of Portfolio and the Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry, our goal remains to enlist the aid of domestic and regional market players and experts in drawing a comprehensive picture of the key global trends and challenges that could have a meaningful impact on the business model of car industry companies. Due to huge interest, the afternoon programme will again include a thematic roundtable networking section. At the interactive roundtables, each dedicated to a certain topic, expert facilitators will assist practical work, while giving or seeking answers to any questions raised. When registering, please select the thematic tables most interesting to you, and join the exchange of ideas and experiences!


GALLERY | 40 pictures
Portfolio-MAGE Járműipar 2019


Organisation, general questions

Lili Mádai
  • Lili Mádai
  • event organizer
  • Phone: +36 1 327 4088


Ágnes Klenyán
  • Ágnes Klenyán
  • senior key account manager
  • Phone: 472-2099
  • Email:


Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:
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