EU funds

fordulat Ukrajna Magyarorszag Orban Viktor
January 11, 2024 10:18

Hungarian government makes a U-turn, agrees to support Ukraine from the EU budget

This is exactly the opposite of what Budapest wanted, and there are some interesting twists

meloni és orbán
January 11, 2024 09:52

Bloomberg: this time Orbán is manipulated by Meloni's EU party family over Ukraine

European Parliament calls for a change of political direction from the Fidesz

January 11, 2024 08:22

Teachers' wages will rise by 32.2% from January - Gulyás

The Hungarian government received a written guarantee from the EU

michel orban
January 09, 2024 13:21

Cards reshuffled in EU to prevent Hungary's Orbán from becoming Council President

Clashes in Brussels are unavoidable, though

navracsics tibor
January 08, 2024 16:10

Even Hungary's chief EU negotiator does not see light at the end of the tunnel

Negotiations stalled, Tibor Navracsics says

europai parlament cimlap getty tobbszor 2000
January 05, 2024 12:21

EPP head urges the EP to review the unblocking of cohesion funds for Hungary

Manfred Weber says there may be problems

varga mihály interjú 2
December 28, 2023 14:00

RePowerEU advance due to legal loophole arrives in the Hungarian budget

HUF 300 billion in EU funds have been transferred, FinMin reports

uniós jog uniós szabályozás uniós szankciók
December 28, 2023 08:48

Brussels got a new sanctions weapon for Christmas to make renegade states worry

The Anti-Coercion Instrument came into force on 27 December

charles michel
December 27, 2023 14:01

EU member states mulling three options to circumvent Hungarian veto of Ukraine aid

They would bypass the Hungarian leadership completely, taking the veto out of the hands of the cabinet

Navracsics Tibor
December 27, 2023 12:15

Chance are slim that rule of law procedure against Hungary will be concluded - minister

Tibor Navracsics says EU cannot be called a cultural community at the moment

európai bizottság, európai unió, EU,
December 22, 2023 12:31

Brussels says the Hungarian gov't has still not addressed rule of law concerns

The cabinet has not yet sent a signal to the European Commission on the conditionality procedure

eu migrációs paktum
December 20, 2023 12:33

EU's new migration pact prepared, even Hungary could not veto

It will be much stricter - but Hungary still may veto its implementation

Orbán Viktor
December 19, 2023 09:42

EU leaders consider stripping Hungary of its Council voting rights

Debate on Article 7 procedure reignited

mobilos vásárlás shutter
December 18, 2023 11:44

EU media law passes, big changes might be coming

Media pluralism included in the rights to be protected

Orban Viktor EU csucs Ukrajna csatlakozasi targyalas
December 18, 2023 09:14

All other EU countries seek to bypass Hungary on aid for Ukraine

There may be other options than amending the common budget

európai unió tanácsa, Európai tanács
December 15, 2023 09:16

Viktor Orbán does not veto, EU accession talks with Ukraine can begin

However, he vetoed both the EU aid for Ukraine and the MFF revision

európai bizottság berlaymont
December 14, 2023 08:59

European Commission unblocks €10.2 billion of cohesion funds for Hungary

Judicial reform found to be sufficient to meet horizontal eligibility criteria

December 13, 2023 15:51

EU to set up new watchdog to combat money laundering

AMLA is born

Ursula von der Leyen Europai Parlament per jogallamisag, újrafelhasználható, forrás: Európai Unió, az Európai Bizottság médiatára
December 13, 2023 15:40

Four large EP groups want EU funds for Hungary blocked at least until 10 January

They are also concerned about new sovereignty protection law

December 13, 2023 09:29

Hungarian government sets conditions for vote on Ukraine funding

The PM's political director provided some insight in a recent interview