Lengthy assessment procedure will start only in June at the earliest
Veto after veto after veto
Judicial independence to be strengthened
The funding would be partly provided by tapping the RRF
Effective anti-corruption proposal in the making
Crucial changes proposed in the judicial reform package
The Hungarian NGO law is not considered a good example
Government pumped more into the economy than it lost in GDP
Over concerns with new Hungarian legislation
Justice Minister in talks in Brussels
Another month, another Hungarian veto in the talks
EU executive may launch three procedures
Political party financing to be exposed
To aid businesses facing surging energy costs
Expects funds in first half
Another round of social consultation seen required by EU
EU firms obliged to disclose information for salary comparison
Teams up with eight other countries
Selling new cars, vans running on fossil fuels to be phased out completely by 2035
Transport expert Dávid Vitézy expressed his disappointment on Facebook