It will be much stricter - but Hungary still may veto its implementation
Debate on Article 7 procedure reignited
Media pluralism included in the rights to be protected
There may be other options than amending the common budget
However, he vetoed both the EU aid for Ukraine and the MFF revision
Judicial reform found to be sufficient to meet horizontal eligibility criteria
AMLA is born
They are also concerned about new sovereignty protection law
The PM's political director provided some insight in a recent interview
Although it is widely believed that EU funds can now be released, not all conditions have been met
Budapest keeps saying no to aid for Ukraine and start of accession talks
One of the EU's most influential countries has spoken up over Ukraine's EU accession
A lot of countries frown upon release of funds
EU finance ministers crack door open for REPowerEU chapter
Vote on EUR 4.6 billion recovery funds on the agenda
Still, 73% appreciate the benefits of membership
Viktor Orbán writes again to the European Council
Derailing upcoming EU summit may not be an empty threat and political theatre after all
But there is still, as always, a lot of uncertainty
Johannes Hahn says there's no negotiation ongoing