COVID-19: All key metrics in Hungary improved in weekly terms

All key metrics of the coronavirus pandemic have improved in weekly terms in Hungary, according to the latest figures published by, the official government website dealing with COVID-19 issues. The data, however, remain scarce and unreliable. Last week, the number of patients in hospital and in need of mechanical ventilation showed an absurdly large w/w increase, and we haven't seen data on the number of tests performed for months.
koronavírus variáns tüskefehérje covid-19 mutáns vakcina

The table below includes the number of new COVID-19 infections, coronavirus-related deaths, and the number of infected people in hospital and on ventilator for the week up to 30 August, as well as the week-on-week changes for the past four weeks.


As you can see, the w/w changes are rather hectic and follow no clear pattern. (The green cells show the biggest w/w decline (good), while the red cells show the biggest w/w growth / smallest drop (bad) of the last four weeks.)

The graphs below also attest this, although the trendlines of new cases, deaths and hospitalisations do show an ascending trend.


Lacklustre vaccination uptake

A total of 5,440 COVID-19 shots have been administered in Hungary over the past seven days.


Cover photo: Getty Images


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