OTP Board member sells company shares for HUF 143 mn
- OTP Board member László Wolf sold 18,000 OTP shares at an average price of HUF 7,950 per share, for a total of HUF 143.1 million (EUR 455,269) last week on the Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE).
- The shares are generally bought within the bank’s option programme outside the bourse, under market price and resell it on the BSE.
- Wolf acquired 22,431 OTP shares last week for HUF 5,177 per share, much less than the sales price was, and he most likely sold shares from that package.
- Wolf is still likely in possession of a bulky OTP package. As of end-September he held 591,360 OTP shares, the market value of which is nearly HUF 4.7 billion.
- Wolf is not the only OTP official that had transaction with OTP shares over the last few days. BoD member László Utassy, bought 14,612 OTP shares at an average price of HUF 5,176 per share last Tuesday and he sold 9,533 shares on Thursday at an average price of HUF 7,961.