
Lefékezett a magyar ipar
September 07, 2023 08:51

Has Hungary's industry found its footing at last?

Third quarter kicks off well

lázár jános építésügyi beruházási miniszter
September 07, 2023 08:34

Transport Minister sacks a senior MÁV executive

They found someone to blame for the crisis

September 06, 2023 17:24

Hungary stats office explains enormous change in investment data

Revision was massive

September 06, 2023 14:31

Hungary plans no more FX bond issue this year, and maybe not even in 2024

ÁKK chief tells Reuters in interview

September 06, 2023 10:17

No change in fuel prices on Friday

After diesel price cut on Wednesday

menekült vonaton utazik záhonynál
September 06, 2023 09:56

A harsh reality: 3.3 million Ukrainian refugees may never return home

And this number may still rise

Már 300 ezer forintot kereshetsz az áruházakban
September 06, 2023 09:11

Grim data from Hungarian stores - the worst is not over yet!

Volume of retail sales drops on a quarterly basis

September 06, 2023 08:38

Hungary Eurobond scooped up at quite a spread

Not a cheap issue at all

September 05, 2023 16:15

Hungarian 'time bomb' keeps on ticking, but gov't gets some leeway from ECB

Risk not fully averted yet

Száz éve nem volt ilyen: megdőlt a budapesti melegrekord
September 05, 2023 10:56

Hungary may issue 10-yr EUR benchmark already today

Debt manager does not waste any time

September 05, 2023 09:35

United Nations warns 1.8 million people may flee conflict in Sudan

UN Refugee Agency appeals for USD 1 billion aid

parlament országház budapest turista getty stock
September 05, 2023 09:32

Analyst says Moody’s latest decision on Hungary gives "false sense of security"

Was the rating agency too soft?

parlament budapest orzágház getty stock
September 05, 2023 08:10

Hungary may need HUF 700 billion more this year

Financing plan modified

September 04, 2023 17:05

Hungary's fuel prices to change on Wednesday

Diesel price to drop

banki pénzeszsák
September 04, 2023 15:25

Hungarian banks post never-before-seen profit - Where's this money coming from?

Profit may be outstanding, but growth has halted in the banking sector

Budapest Economic Forum nyitokep pp
September 04, 2023 12:48

What does the IMF think about Hungary? IMF Assistant Director to tell us in person in Budapest

Budapest Economic Forum conference coming soon

September 04, 2023 10:00

Majority of Hungarians considered food price caps a bad idea by summer

...however, they are not against mandatory sales promotions, according to a recent surfvey

egészségügy, egészségügyi dolgozó, ápoló, orvos, orvoshiány,
September 04, 2023 09:49

Hospital Association President warns of severe staff shortages

Health workers are promised a pay rise for next March

Baleset az M7-en: nagy dugóra számíts, ha most indulsz a Balatonra
September 04, 2023 09:31

Debate on Lake Balaton visitor numbers may be put to rest

July data published