
January 08, 2024 09:00

Michel to run for EU election, sparks scramble to stop Orbán taking the wheel at the Council

Race to replace Council President begins

Összeomlott a gázár - 15 éve nem láttunk ilyet
January 08, 2024 08:41

Hungarians switched to saving, energy consumption fell sharply in 2023

Down significantly from the previous two years

January 08, 2024 08:15

Hungarian inflation data coming this week, along with other key events

We'll also get the US inflation data

January 05, 2024 12:40

From autumn 2025, employers can reduce teachers' pay based on performance evaluation

The Ministry of Interior has confirmed the news

nyugdíj nyugdíjas getty stock
January 05, 2024 11:34

Pensioners finally have a chance of a good year - expert

Will the real value of benefits increase?

elektromos auto eauto zöld rendszám elektromos autó töltés
January 05, 2024 11:07

Sales of electric cars have gone up in Hungary

While the domestic car market was struggling

költségvetés összeomlás kártya játék
January 05, 2024 10:52

One graph to show how the 2023 budget and fiscal policy collapsed

The budget deficit target was not so "set in stone" after all

January 04, 2024 12:20

Date for the Baross Gábor Programme re-launch announced

For 15 January

January 04, 2024 11:56

Government tweaks rules for new residential solar tender

Mainly technical details

varga mihály pénzügyminiszter
January 04, 2024 11:43

Hungary FinMin promises deficit reduction, but does not give a specific figure

The Ministry of Finance's first press conference of the year

nagy márton nemzetgazdasági miniszter
January 04, 2024 10:17

Hungary Economic Minister would set a radical course for the economy of Hungary and the EU

There should be more permissiveness, not austerity, in fiscal policy, he says

magyar-szlovak hatar
January 04, 2024 08:20

Slovakia will not extend border controls at the Hungarian border

Slovak Interior Minister Sutaj Estok announced

orrfújás koronavírus indiai variáns delta
January 03, 2024 16:34

There are new symptoms associated with latest coronavirus subvariant

Loss of smell and taste no longer on top of the lsit

January 03, 2024 14:52

Hungarian gov't promises big pay rise also for vocational training workers

The principal is to raise as much as for teachers

zsiday viktor 2017 cfo summit
January 03, 2024 12:15

Price of budget deficit must be paid, final result is several years of stagflation - expert

Viktor Zsiday says the ballooning deficit of recent years is a serious problem

budapest parlament margit híd
January 03, 2024 12:05

Hungary mandates benchmark dollar bond issue

ÁKK offers paper with an unusually long maturity

gas station russia  benzinkút oroszország
January 03, 2024 11:03

What to expect on Hungarian petrol stations on Friday?

Mixed price changes ahead

forint forintárfolyam forintgyengülés költségvetés deviza
January 03, 2024 10:05

Recent data show a huge budget deficit in the government sector

Even the recently revised government estimate of 5.9% may be a fa cryr from reality

dolgozó munkás gyár fizetés kereset
January 03, 2024 09:24

Tens of thousands of foreign workers may arrive in Hungary every year

Because the Hungarian workforce is dwindling