
repteri aruraktar
March 06, 2024 09:24

Nasty start to 2024, Hungarian exports drop sharply

January foreign trade: a mixed bag

bevásárlás szupermarket kiskereskedelem
March 06, 2024 09:08

After a slight upturn, Hungarian retail trade stagnates in January 2024

Miserable figures from Hungarian shops

March 06, 2024 09:00

Awful performance by Hungary's industry - How could this lead to major growth?

Ascent of the sector continues in 2024 too

Tartja magát 325 alatt a forint - Eltűnt a mélypont réme?
March 05, 2024 16:55

Hungary forint eases close to 400 to EUR - What can the government and the central bank do?

Analysis by Zoltán Török (Raiffeisen)

utazas nő egyedül túra
March 05, 2024 15:55

Hungarians travel abroad in ever greater numbers

And they also spend more on foreign trips

forint érme bankjegy
March 05, 2024 15:30

Key levels breached - What will happen to Hungary's forint?

Has the central bank timed the acceleration of rate cuts right?

March 05, 2024 13:50

ANALYST VIEW - How far could Hungary's central bank lower rates?

What is awaiting the forint?

Igazi hungarikum a magyar bankok pénzforgalmi árazása
March 05, 2024 12:05

Hungary modifies insurance tax, withholds Covid levy reimbursement for banks this year

Gov't must help the budget any way it can

March 05, 2024 09:30

Hungarian economy comes to a halt right after it starts to growth - This is why

Stats office publishes detailed GDP data

March 04, 2024 16:23

EU member states agree on continued gas demand reduction measures

Commission recommendation accepted

virág ablak ház
March 04, 2024 15:40

Home loans come back from the grave, retail lending explodes in Hungary

Lower interest rates have captured the imagination of Hungarians

orbán viktor
March 04, 2024 12:17

Viktor Orbán: it is completely against our interests to have the Russian border move closer to Hungary

PM addresses Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry event

March 04, 2024 10:51

Price of petrol to be raised in Hungary

On Wednesday

fiatal munkavállaló dolgozó worker címlapi
March 04, 2024 10:01

More and more people unemployed in Hungary, while foreign workers flood in

What is happening in the domestic labour market?

gyógyszer rendelés
March 01, 2024 13:35

Major change in Hungarian hospitals in the making

Pharmacies beware

bolt, kiskereskedelem, infláció, bevárlás, akció, élelmiszerinfláció
March 01, 2024 10:30

Hungarian food is significantly more expensive in Hungary than abroad - why?

In-depth analysis of domestic upward price effects

kina szallitas kereskedelem export
March 01, 2024 09:55

Something very strange happened in the Hungarian trade balance

It is not so much the balance, as growth that is the concern

cégcsőd felszámolás bezárás végrehajtás
March 01, 2024 09:15

A record number of companies go bust in Hungary, series of closures far from being over

A host of Hungarian businesses go belly-up