
March 22, 2024 16:13

Germany's Schedl to invest EUR 100 million in Hungary

Creating 160 news jobs in Debrecen and Kecskemét

Egészségügyi dolgozók
March 22, 2024 15:21

Hungarian hospitals are in so much debt that wards have to be closed

Overdue debts exceed HUF 100 billion

March 22, 2024 09:35

Hungary's competitiveness deteriorates, central bank index shows

MNB sounds the alarm

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
March 22, 2024 08:47

Viktor Orbán from Brussels: Western soldiers should not be stationed in Ukraine!

The Prime Minister gave his weekly interview to Kossuth Radio

March 21, 2024 15:00

Are Hungarians putting down cigarettes en masse?

2023 was a difficult year, and tobacco sales reflect this

March 21, 2024 11:25

Hungarian government announces end of interest rate cap on deposits

It was high time to do so

virusok bakteriumok fertozes gyerekbetegseg
March 21, 2024 10:28

Influenza epidemic keeps petering out in Hungary

Half of those with acute respiratory infection are still children

March 20, 2024 16:15

Hungary slips in World Happiness Report

Only Croatia fares even worst in CEE

Járműipar 2024
March 20, 2024 13:32

Largest Hungarian car manufacturers give outlook for the coming months

Trends and competitiveness discussed at Executives' Roundtable of automotive conference

Portfolio MAGE járműipar 2024
March 20, 2024 11:55

One billion euro investment by Mercedes progresses smoothly in Hungary

Portfolio - MAGE 2024 Automotive Industry Conference is on

March 19, 2024 09:52

This is why few Hungarians can afford to buy new cars

Wage increase cannot match this

nato koszovó stock
March 19, 2024 08:42

NATO to expand innovation network in Hungary

Hungary participates in programmes with nine institutions

March 19, 2024 07:00

One of Hungary's most serious problems is over

Number of vacancies dropping

kiskereskedelem bolt
March 18, 2024 14:25

Hungary's inflation remains in top third of EU ranking

At least it's not in the Top3 anymore

March 18, 2024 13:40

Hungary quietly approaching cashless society, central bank reveals interesting facts

Hungarians prefer electronic payments more and more

spar_mti_biz_róka lászló
March 18, 2024 12:35

Hungarian gov't sends tough message to Spar in response to Austrian chain's accusations

Economy Ministry calls Spar's claims of squeeze-out attempt untrue

March 18, 2024 11:00

Fuel prices to be raised in Hungary

On Wednesday

Havi 40 ezer forint támogatást kaphatsz, ha bölcsis gyermek mellett dolgozol!
March 18, 2024 10:00

Mothers still have huge difficulties in reintegrating to the labour market after childbirth

Job portal tries to counter the depressing trend in collaboration with Unicef