
euró bankjegy
July 25, 2024 09:07

Hungarian state quietly takes out a humongous forex loan from China

Public debt figures rewritten - it remains a mystery why it was not communicated

Horváth Gábor
July 25, 2024 08:40

Hungary budget watchdog chief warns government to reach deficit goal

In order to create a chance to meet debt rule

Bulgaria Magyarorszag Lukoil
July 24, 2024 16:04

Bulgaria offers to help Hungary in Lukoil oil ban case

Foreign Minister makes video announcement

worker dolgozó ipar gyári munkás
July 24, 2024 14:05

Shocking facts revealed about earnings in Hungary

Earnings decreased in some sectors

Mol Dunai Finomító Dufi kőolajvezeték barátság-vezeték friendship
July 24, 2024 13:50

Fitch identifies major risks for Hungary, Slovakia from Ukraine sanctions on Lukoil

Mindkét finomítót a Mol működteti, így a hitelkockázatok jelentősek.

July 24, 2024 11:28

Fuel prices to be trimmed in Hungary

On Thursday

egészségügy kórház műtét
July 24, 2024 10:15

Dramatic deterioration of health care gets further evidence, says former president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber

Even the care of doctors is already affected by the lack of resources

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar kereset fizetés
July 24, 2024 09:11

Average gross wage in Hungary slightly above HUF 650,000 in May

Wage dynamics in the fast lane

July 24, 2024 08:50

Hungarian businesses not so hot on raising prices anymore - survey

Economic sentiment, business confidence remain practically unchanged in July

forint mnb épület sötét magyar jegybank
July 23, 2024 16:55

One or two more rate cuts in Hungary this year could be realistic - c.banker

MNB will choose between on-hold decision or minor cut in the coming months

Mégis vagyonokat küldenek haza a kivándorolt magyarok! - Mutatjuk az igazságot
July 23, 2024 15:59

Hungary cenbank explans 25bp rate cut

Caution emphasised again

Lukoil Europai Bekekeret Szijjarto Peter
July 23, 2024 15:32

Hungary ups the ante, blocking EUR 6.5 billion to Ukraine over Lukoil transit oil disruption

Meanwhile, Moscow sends important messages

Megszólalt az MNB a gyenge forintról
July 23, 2024 14:00

Hungary central bank lowers base rate by 25 basis points

To 6.75%, as expected

July 23, 2024 13:03

You find the highest number of vacancies in Hungary in these regions

Fewer jobs to pick from, though

autóipar beruházás szijjártó péter
July 23, 2024 12:10

South Korean company to expand Hungarian arm in EUR 54 mn investment

Bumchun to create 400 new jobs

July 23, 2024 11:00

Infection that has already claimed lives in Hungary keeps on spreading

Spread of pertussis doesn't abate, authority may reluctantly need to call it an epidemic

NAftogaz CEO olajszallitas Lukoil
July 23, 2024 08:38

Oil lost to Hungary and Slovakia due to Lukoil has so far been fully replaced - Naftogaz CEO

However, a long-term solution still must be found

July 22, 2024 16:25

One third of Hungarian students have high financial literacy

First time participating in PISA Financial Literacy Assessment

July 22, 2024 15:12

Fuel prices to be lowered in Hungary

On Tuesday

gyár termelés worker
July 22, 2024 11:42

Blue-collar wages rise sharply in Hungary

According to new report