How did Hungary's Fidesz-KDNP win supermajority again?

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has won his fourth consecutive term in Sunday's parliamentary election, securing nearly 68% of the 199 seats for his ruling Fidesz-KDNP coalition in Parliament. How did he do it? Did two-thirds of Hungary's eligible voters, five million people, cast their ballott on Fidesz? Well, not quite.

Hungary’s electoral system in numbers. Election 2022. Democracy at its best.

  • Fidesz-KDNP wins supermajority, with 135 seats in the 199-seat Parliament, i.e. with 67.84% of the mandates.
  • The runner-up is United for Hungary, a united front of six opposition parties. It wins 56 seats, which translates into 28.14% of all mandates.
  • Far-right Our Homeland (Mi Hazánk) wins 7 seats or 3.52%.

Let’s see the math behind this "huge victory"

a victory so big that you can see it from the moon, but certainly from Brussels,

as Prime Minister Viktor Orbán described it late on Sunday.


There are 7,536,306 eligible voters in Hungary.

5,241,029 of them (69.54%) cast their ballot.

Votes for the parties:

2,735,383 people or 52.19% voted for Fidesz-KDNP.

Fidesz-KDNP won 135 seats or 67.84% of the 199 seats in Parliament.

52.19% = 67.84% --- ratio: 130%

1,804,995 people or 34.44% voted for United for Hungary.

United for Hungary won 56 seats or 28.14% of the 199 seats in Parliament.

34.44% = 28.14% ---- ratio: 81.7%

317,944 people or 6.07% voted for Our Homeland.

Our Homeland won 7 seats or 3.52% of the 199 seats in Parliament.

6.07% = 3.52% ---- ratio: 58%

Let’s take a look at the system from another point of view.

While the United for Hungary bloc had 66% of the votes Fidesz-KDNP had, it won only 41.5% of the seats the ruling coalition secured.

Also, Our Homeland had 11.6% of the votes Fidesz-KDNP had, it will have only 5.2% of the mandates Fidesz-KDNP will have.

Yes, it's a complex system for sure. There's a national party list and individual votes that both translate into parliamentary seats. The distribution between these two was as follows:

  • Fidesz-KDNP: 47 from the national list, 88 from individual constituencies
  • United for Hungary: 38 + 18
  • Our Homeland: 7 + 0

This means Fidesz-KDNP won 34.8% of its mandates from the national list and 65.2% from votes for individual candadates, which compares with 67.9% + 32.1% for United for Hungary and 100% + 0% for Our Homeland.

These are just numbers. Drawing the conclusions is up to you.


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