COVID-19 in Hungary: new cases near record low

Hungarian authorities confirmed 493 new coronavirus (COVID-19) cases on Monday, the second lowest daily number this year. The number of fatalities was 99. There are currently 3,282 coronavirus patients in hospital, with 379 of them on ventilators. The number of people vaccinated is 4,346,089, of whom 2,530,147 have already received both doses.
iroda maszk vírus

With 493 new cases detected in the past 24 hours, the total number of COVID-19 infectons in Hungary since last March rose to 792,879. The daily figure is the second lowest this year after 26 January’s 459, and the average of the past seven days is now 1,149, down from 1,733 last Tuesday.

The number of fatalities is also decreasing, although slower than it should be.  The average of the past seven days is 107, down from 152 a week ago.


There are 3,283 coronavirus patients in hospital, with 379 of them on ventilators. Both figures are 31% lower than a week ago, indicating that the pressure on Hungary’s heath care system continues to ease.


In further good news, the ratio of positive tests was around 7.5% both yesterday and over the past week. The number of tests applied was just 6,513 yesterday.


In the past 24 hours, 40,000 first doses and 26,000 second doses were administered. The number of people vaccinated is now 4,346,089, of whom 2,530,147 have already received both doses. More than 4.9 million people have registered to be vaccinated, and 80% have already received at least one shot. People between 16 and 18 can now make appointments online by Wednesday to be vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine between Thursday and next Tuesday. People over 18 can currently choose among AstraZeneca, Sinopharm and Sputnik vaccines. General practitioners are continuing vaccination using Sinopharm, Janssen and Moderna vaccines.


Cover photo: Getty Images


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