COVID-19 in Hungary: 1,219 new cases, 106 dead

The number of new coronavirus (COVID-19) cases confirmed yesterday was 1,219, increasing the total since last Arch to 784,111. The death toll rose to 27,908 after the disease claimed the lives of 106 patients, the official government website said.
oltás koronavírus

Authorities identified 1,219 new infections in the past 24 hours, so the seven-day rolling average has dropped under 2,000 and the third wave of the pandemic appears to be receding. On the other hand, any effects of the initial re-opening and the higher number of contacts it entails are not yet reflected in these statistics.

The number of coronavirus-related fatalities is still high but is decreasing, with yesterday’s 106 dead bringing the even-day average to about 150.


The pressure on Hungary’s health care system is decreasing as the number of coronavirus patients in hospital decreased by 159 to 4,872, and the number of people on ventilators fell to 572.


As for vaccination, 8,945 first and 69,755 second doses were administered in the past 24 hours. Vaccination uptake is currently 41.7% and 21.3%, respectively.


Cover photo: MTI/ György Varga


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