EU extends export control on COVID-19 vaccines until end-June

The European Commission has on Thursday extended until end of June the transparency and authorisation mechanism for COVID-19 vaccine exports. Under the export authorisation mechanism, companies with which the EU has concluded Advance Purchase Agreements (APAs) are obliged to notify the EU and seek its authorisation if they want to export vaccines outside the EU.
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Today's decision follows persistent delays in some of the deliveries of vaccines to the EU. 

“The first weeks of the application of this instrument have shown that the trade disruption feared by many did not take place. Since the measure was introduced, shipments were authorised to more than 30 countries," commented Executive Vice-President and Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis.

This confirms that even during a very critical health situation, the EU has made a considerable effort to be a reliable and responsible trading partner

, he added.

We expect companies with which we have signed a contract to fulfil their obligations towards EU citizens

, said Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides.

"The EU exports very significant volumes of COVID-19 vaccines, true to our commitment to global solidarity. Yet, not all companies are honouring their agreements with the EU despite having received a down payment to enable sufficient production., she added.

We will insist that compliance is ensured and we will continue to work with companies to ramp up production in Europe as quickly as possible.

The EU continues to be the leading provider of vaccines around the world. Six weeks into the existence of this mechanism, 249 export requests to 31 different countries have been granted for a total of over 34 million doses, as they did not threaten the contractual engagements between the EU and the vaccine producers. Only one export request was not granted.

The main export destinations include the United Kingdom (with approximately 9.1 million doses), Canada (3.9 million), Mexico (3.1 million), Japan (2.7 million), Saudi Arabia (1.4 million), Hong Kong (1.3 million), Singapore (1 million), United States (1 million), Chile (0.9 million) and Malaysia (0.8 million).

The export authorisation mechanism

This export authorisation mechanism only applies to exports from companies with which the EU has concluded Advance Purchase Agreements (APAs). These APAs commit the vaccine producers to deliver to EU Member States a pre-agreed number of vaccines. The mechanism provides for authorisations of exports of COVID-19 vaccines outside the EU.

Initially put in place on 30 January 2021, and with a timeframe lasting until the 12 of March 2021, the new regulation extends the duration of this mechanism until the end of June 2021. The new regulation also simplifies the procedure by allowing the grouping of exports to different final recipients in the same country in one single request. It also provides clarity by identifying the customs codes for the active substances covered by the measure.

Cover photo: Getty Images


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