COVID-19 in Hungary: new cases jump to one-month peak

Hungarian authorities confirmed 1,862 new coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the past 24 hours and there were 97 fatalities, the official government website said. While recent days brought stagnating or slightly increasing virus statistics, today’s numbers clearly show that the situation is turning for the worse.
koronavírus járvány sejt betegség

The number of new cases yesterday was the highest since 14 January.

This means that the unfavourable trend of recent days is continuing, and the former improvement of the virus situation has stopped and even slightly reversed.

It is currently unclear if this is already a third wave of the pandemic or just a temporary peak. The total number of coronavirus-related fatalities in Hungary since last March is 13,444. There is no improvement apparent in this statistic as the daily number of fatalities has bene hovering around 100.


The good news is that the number of active cases has dropped further to 81,297. There are currently 3,799 coronavirus patients in hospital and 299 on ventilators.


The increase in new cases may have been partly due to higher test numbers, as authorities applied more than 20,000 tests yesterday, 9.3% of which came back positive.


Although the official government website continues to say the pandemic is stagnating in Hungary, data from recent days show the situation is getting slightly worse. The third wave has hit several European countries, and while it has not yet reached Hungary, the latest numbers give cause for concern.

Cover photo: Getty Images


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