COVID-19 in Hungary: 3,870 new cases, 116 dead on Sunday

Hungarian authorities confirmed 3,870 new coronavirus (COVID-19) infections on Sunday, bringing the total since March to 254,148. The death toll rose to 5,984 after the disease claimed the lives of 116, mostly elderly or chronic, patients in the past 24 hours. The number of recoveries is now at 74,283 and that of active cases is 173,881. There are currently 7,932 coronavirus patients in hospital, with 674 of them on ventilators, the official government website said Monday morning.
kórházi ágy egészségügy korhaz

The portal also says the government is in talks to buy several types of vaccine and will soon launch a website to apply for vaccination, which will be free and voluntary.

With 3,870 new cases confirmed in the past 24 hours, the total number of infections in Hungary since March rose to 254,148.


The daily case number is showing a slight decline compared to previous days, but it is too early to find a clear trend. The virus is still spreading fast, but probably no longer exponentially.

The number of active cases remains high at 173,000.


There has also been a decrease in the number of daily fatalities, but again there is no clear trend as the figure hit a record high of 193 just two days earlier.


The number of people in hospital and on ventilators both show slower growth, although unfortunately these figures are also affected by fatalities in addition to recoveries.


The total number of tests applied in Hungary since March is 1.96 million. In the past 24 hours, 14% of tests came back positive. The number of people in home quarantine is currently 51,485.


As for geographical distribution, there have been 52,416 COVID-19 cases registered in Budapest since the beginning of the outbreak. Outside the capital, the highest number of cases have been found in Győr-Moson-Sopron county with 15,917.

Cover photo: Shutterstock


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