COVID-19 in Hungary: 3.951 new cases, 154 fatalities on Monday

Hungarian authorities confirmed 3,951 new coronavirus (COVID-19) infections on Monday, increasing the total since March to 221,073. The death toll rose to 4,977 after 154, mostly elderly or chronic, patients passed away, the official government website said.

The 3,951 new cases remain well below the 5,599 average of the past 7 days, although it is too early to talk about a declining trend.


Meanwhile, the number of fatalities was above the average of the past week (138) and is the second highest daily figure.


The number of recoveries has increased to 64,802 while the number of active cases is 151,294. The latter figure took just three and a half weeks to double. However, the data is not very reliable as the number of active cases is more than the total of new cases in the entire month of November.


There are 7,884 coronavirus patients in hospital, with 662 of them on ventilators. Both figures have doubled in a month, and although growth is appearing to slow, any decrease is far on the horizon.


The ratio of positive tests remains extremely high  at 69%. The reason for the absurd rate might be that the positive cases found through the nationwide rapid testing programme are included in the statistics, while the tests themselves are not reflected in testing numbers. Authorities performed 14,704 tests over the weekend, 65% of which came back positive. That's...tragic. And the number of tests...most peculiar. This volatility is unexplainable or at least it has not been explained so far. Here are the numbers and the positivity rates of the last few days:

5,758 - 69%

8,946 - 63%

16,311 - 42%

21,562 - 29%

34,584 - 18%

18,301 - 35%

20,016 - 19%


The highest number of new cases over the past 7 days was registered in Budapest, Pest county and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county.

Cover photo: Getty Images


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