COVID-19 in Hungary: another daily high in fatalities

The 4,709 new cases in the past 24 hours represent a new record, with daily case numbers remaining under 4,000 until Wednesday. The steeply increasing trend indicates the virus is now spreading faster in Hungary.

The fatality curve is also rising steeply, with the number of COVID-related deaths passing the 100 mark for the first time yesterday. All signs indicate that this number will also continue to increase.

Authorities are trying to keep up by stepping up testing, but it appears to have been too little, too late. Although the number of tests in the past 24 hours was above 20,000 for the first time ever, the ratio of positive tests is also rising, indicating decreasing detection efficiency. Yesterday’s positivity rate was 24%, far above the WHO’s 5% recommendation. In the present phase of the pandemic, the early detection and isolation of infections is no longer a realistic option, as shown by quarantine figures, which means individual protection is increasingly important in slowing the spread of the virus.

The increase in severe cases foreshadows a jump in fatalities. The number of people in hospital is increasing by hundreds each day and rose 306 in the past 24 hours for the third highest daily increase. It took just two weeks for the total to rise from 2,000 to 5,500. Meanwhile, the number of people receiving artificial ventilation is also rising and is nearing 400.

As for the regional distribution of new cases, the virus appears to be spreading fastest in the west in Győr-Moson-Sopron county, and the former hotspot of Central Hungary is also picking up after a relatively calm period. The least infected part of Hungary is the South Transdanubian region.
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