Label: "war"

szijjártó péter szerb paks
March 02, 2022 11:40

We'll keep going - Hungary Foreign Minister on the expansion of the Paks NPP

Without Russian gas and Paks 2 Hungary faces brutal price increases

Magyarország 25 százalékos tulajdonrészt vásárolna a krki LNG-terminálban
March 02, 2022 09:17

Exxon to wind down Russian energy project, stop new investments in the country

US oil giant to opt out of LNG facility Sakhalin-1

kreml oroszország moszkva
March 02, 2022 09:00

Putin caps Russian cash exports at USD 10,000

Amidst fears of financial system collapse

March 02, 2022 08:34

Sberbank to exit European market in face of outflows

Did not have a choice really

szijjártó péter ukrajna
March 02, 2022 00:20

Russia could attack Hungary if transit of arms to Ukraine was granted - Foreign Minister

Péter Szijjártó's argument appears to make very little sense

virág barnabás mnb bef
March 01, 2022 23:16

Russo-Ukrainian war fuels inflation risks - MNB Deputy Governor Virág

The two key words are predictability and flexibility

Paks II. godor helyszin
March 01, 2022 18:45

Hungary Fidesz MEPs back EP resolution that would kill Paks 2 project

Significance unclear at this point

orosz ukrán zászló oroszország ukrajna
March 01, 2022 17:54

World's largest securities depository stops accepting payments in roubles

Euroclear makes it more difficult for international investors to sell Russian assets

March 01, 2022 17:35

Russia bans western companies from exiting Russian investments

Sanctions bite, Moscow bites back

forint huf
March 01, 2022 16:20

HUF, OTP plummet - Hungarian assets pummelled in the shadow of the war on Ukraine

Region falls victim to risk aversion

March 01, 2022 15:53

It's a clash of two worlds - Commission President on Russo-Ukraine war

"Our own fate also lies in the balance."

fehéroroszország belarusz
March 01, 2022 14:50

Belarusian troops on Ukraine soil, UK's Johnson says no-fly zone can't be done

EU steps up refugee relief efforts

March 01, 2022 12:07

Worst-case scenario in Russia-Ukraine conflict: the "Black-out" scenario

Euler Hermes and Allianz Research put spotlight on possible impacts of war

ukrán parlament kijev ukrajna
March 01, 2022 09:16

Ukraine to issue 'war bonds' to finance armed forces

Not concerned about default

Putyin szerint Romániából és Lengyelországból érkezhet az újabb fenyegetés
February 28, 2022 23:39

Putin lays out demands for stopping offensive in Ukraine

Converses with French President Macron for 90 minutes

122 mm lőszeres ládák
February 28, 2022 17:00

Hungary does not let through weapons slated for Ukraine

Foreign Ministry confirms earlier report

ukrán haderő
February 28, 2022 09:55

Russia-Ukraine war escalates - Here are the highlights of the weekend

Military manoeuvres, sanctions, strategic moves

February 28, 2022 08:29

Ukrainian President Zelensky warns next 24 hours 'a crucial period'

Spoke with UK PM Johnson on the phone

vlagyimir putyin shutter
February 27, 2022 20:26

Putin orders Russian nuclear deterrent forces put on alert

West comes up with new package of tougher sanctions

February 25, 2022 17:20

Hungary Mol asks for extra oil supplies from Russia

To prepare for potential supply disruptions in the wake of raid on Ukraine