Some details are yet to be cleared
Risk-sharing deal inked
Chinese and North Korean actors on the sanctions list too
Russian "shadow fleet" targeted, with a key compromise reached on another issue
Kremlin releases brief statement
Need to be prepared for Donald Trump's earlier promises
Ukrainian President gives astringent speech in Budapest
US President-elect holds telephone conversation with Ukrainian President
Fate of the €50 billion package is the biggest issue, he says
Growing tension in Brussels ahead of US Tuesday's presidential elections
A single declaration rubbed Tehran the wrong way
Hungarian PM comments on Zelensky's "Victory Plan"
More than 100,000 passengers affected
Ria Novosti said Péter Szijjártó blamed NATO for the war in Ukraine
HUF weakness, Israel vs. Lebanon are the key drivers now, with Iran looming
Iran attacks Israel, flight cancellations ensue
Five key topics on the agenda
They would stick it to Moscow by tweaking the rules
Strong statements by Radosław Sikorski
It's all about the war, not a word about the bloated budget deficit