Label: "wages"

dolgozó fizetés factory worker keresetek
October 24, 2022 13:24

Price-wage spiral began in Hungary, but wages are a turning point

Surge in wages, surge in prices.

bolt vásárlás kiskereskedelem
October 06, 2022 10:47

Retail sales looking increasingly ugly in Hungary

With inflation sky-high, food consumption slackens

Új stratégiával csökkentené a kormány a magyarok szeméthegyét
October 05, 2022 08:43

Striking garbage collectors in Budapest demand HUF 400,000 net wage

Bins stay put until deal

gyári munkás dolgozó factory worker gyár fizetés kereset
August 24, 2022 09:50

Wages keep rising fast in Hungary

Stats office releases June figures

dollár usa dollar bankjegy
August 22, 2022 08:15

This could a key week for FX markets

Many market-moving events at once, particularly Fed chair Powell's speech

pedagógus tanár iskola
July 05, 2022 08:48

Hungary Curia hands down verdict on teachers' January warning strike

Decision is final, and there is no room for review

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar fizetés
June 24, 2022 11:00

Hungarians make more than gross HUF 500,000 a month?!

Average Joe takes home only 250,000

dolgozó munkás gyár fizetés kereset
May 24, 2022 09:29

Here's the first warning: Hungary is entering a dangerous spiral

At the brink of a price-wage spiral

ipar termelés worker dolgozó gyártósor bérek keresetek
May 16, 2022 09:01

How much money do Hungarians earn? The answer is here

Well under half a million gross average without 'gun money'

factory worker dolgozó ipar termelés munka
April 26, 2022 11:00

Unbelievable earnings figures see daylight in Hungary

Stats office reports 30+ percent growth

munka worker dolgozó hegesz fizetés bérek
April 11, 2022 12:25

Wage increase dreams are to be shattered? – Inflation ruins everything

No improvement in certain sectors at all

ipar termelés worker dolgozó gyártósor bérek keresetek
March 28, 2022 10:18

Earnings grow fast in Hungary in early 2022

Country split in respect of real wage growth

February 09, 2022 08:14

Hungarian teachers to start all-out walkout in mid-March

Will discuss still sufficient services with gov't on Friday

dolgozó fizetés factory worker keresetek
January 25, 2022 13:00

Average gross earnings HUF 480,000 in November in Hungary

Inflation dampens real wage growth in the business sector

audi gyor autogyartas
January 25, 2022 12:30

Rising prices give boost to wage hike at Audi Hungaria

Shocking inflation

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar
January 04, 2022 12:18

Inflation eats up rise of Hungarian wages

Business sector already shows stagnation

ipar termelés munkás dolgozó covid fizetés
November 26, 2021 14:45

Hungary needs a new growth engine

The old one is acting up