Label: "viktor orbán"

Orban Viktor oltas kiszamoltuk a nyitas lehetseges datumat 210319
March 26, 2021 09:11

Hungary PM announces new COVID fatality record

Health system still has reserves, Orbán says

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March 26, 2021 07:59

Hungary's Orbán promises 'free summer'

Opening hours to be extended in stores

orbán viktor facebook
March 23, 2021 10:42

No reopening in Hungary before elderly are vaccinated, PM says

Orbán mentions one-month timeframe

March 19, 2021 08:56

Hungary extends lockdown measures by at least a week - Orbán

New decision next week

kórház egészségügy lélegeztetőgép koronavírus járvány
March 19, 2021 08:49

Hungary PM announces 213 COVID fatalities in 24 hours

1,174 patients require ventilation

Orbán Viktor koronavírus járvány otlás vakcina
March 17, 2021 09:04

Hungary to vaccinate all registered citizens by end of Q2

Prime Minister attacks and defends at the same time

March 05, 2021 16:32

Hungary Orbán vaccination forecasts draw up possible re-opening dates

When will herd immunity be reached?

orvos kórház egészségügy doktor
March 05, 2021 09:56

Hungary daily COVID fatalities could reach 400 at peak of third wave

Based on PM’s ‘up to 20,000 patients’ forecast

orban viktor kossuth radio
March 05, 2021 09:07

Hungary's Orbán envisions re-opening in a month

Florists can sigh in relief

koronavirus lezárás magyarország
March 04, 2021 16:55

Hungary PM Orbán to announce lockdown details possibly new measures on Friday

All ears on morning radio interview

deutsch tamás
March 03, 2021 12:50

Hungary Fidesz exits European People's Party

Leaked info proven correct

Orban Viktor rrf dontes europai unio gazdasag ujrainditasi terv 210212
March 03, 2021 11:00

Hungary Orbán's Fidesz party to leave European People's Party today - portal

PM to live up to threat this time

orbán viktor
March 01, 2021 08:35

You can't fire us, we'll quit - Hungary's Orbán threatens EPP

PM writes a letter to EPP President Weber

vakcina oltás járvány
February 28, 2021 17:21

Hungary scraps type of COVID-19 vaccine from certificates

New secrecy may be problematic later on

koronavírus variáns tüskefehérje covid-19 mutáns vakcina
February 26, 2021 09:25

Hungary's Orbán announces worsened COVID-19 numbers

Pandemic at 2.5-month high

February 26, 2021 08:35

Hungary's Orbán announces tightening of epidemiological regulations

Key messages in regular Friday interview

February 25, 2021 17:03

Hungary’s Orbán warns: worst two weeks in pandemic ahead

PM uploads dramatic message onto his Facebook page

orbán viktor facebook újranyitás korlátozás
February 25, 2021 08:57

Hungary not to ease lockdown measures yet

Gov’t waits to see vaccination results

orbán viktor facebook
February 24, 2021 11:53

Hungary's Orbán says easing of restrictions untimely

But solution is being sought to one problematic issue

Orbán Viktor kossuth rádió
February 19, 2021 09:28

Hungary's Orbán: We're in a very dangerous moment

Third wave in pandemic begins, vaccination goals ambitious