Label: "viktor orbán"

Orban Viktor Ursula von der Leyen RRF hitel elengedte a kormany 210427
April 28, 2022 09:26

EU triggers historic probe to force Hungary to remedy its democratic backslide

Decade-long problems might lead to cut of EU funds

orbán viktor facebook
April 27, 2022 14:17

Hungary's Orbán announces price freeze extension

Price cap on fuel and food remains in place

gál kinga családügyi
April 22, 2022 14:03

Name of another potential member of the new Orbán government leaked

She could succeed Katalin Novák as minister for families

gulyás gergely kormányinfó
April 20, 2022 16:34

What about Hungary's price caps? Announcements expected on Thursday

Government info press conference to be held in the morning

orbán viktor facebook
April 20, 2022 13:15

Hungary sinks deeper into hybrid regime status - Freedom House

Even Albania, Serbia are more democratic than Hungary

orbán viktor miniszterek kormány
April 20, 2022 11:21

First names of the new Orbán government leaked

There are old and new faces among them

orbán viktor facebook
April 12, 2022 11:35

Hungary's Orbán would also disarm the EU's main climate weapon in order to keep overheads low

The Czech Republic has already taken action on biofuels

vlagyimir putyin
April 07, 2022 09:01

Putin reacts to atrocities in Bucha to Viktor Orbán first

First time the Russian President speaks about the massacre

April 07, 2022 08:25

Ukrainians react to Viktor Orbán's proposal

Zelensky's advisor tells Orbán there are official channels

orbán viktor kormányinfó sajtótájékoztató
April 06, 2022 15:43

Orbán says price caps could remain in force longer in Hungary

Speaks to international journalists after election victory

sztanyiszlavov orosz nagykövet
April 06, 2022 12:46

Kremlin has no reason not to trust Hungarian leadership - Russian ambassador to Hungary

There will be a solution to Paks 2 too, he says

orbán viktor kormányinfó sajtótájékoztató
April 06, 2022 11:08

Hungary's Orbán to hold international press conference today - What can we expect?

Here are the issues that may be addressed

April 05, 2022 16:50

Commission seen deploying new tool to stop flow of EU funds to Hungary

MEP also urges going for Article 7

April 05, 2022 13:23

Zelensky: Orbán needs to choose between Moscow and the "other world"

Another message for Orbán from Ukraine

April 05, 2022 09:25

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry fires back at Hungary's Orbán

After the PM called Zelensky an 'opponent'

budapest parlament magyarország eső vihar
April 04, 2022 14:15

The ten biggest economic challenges facing the new Orbán government after the election

Some of these need to be addressed in the short term

April 04, 2022 13:25

Putin congratulates Hungary's Orbán on election victory

Further development of bilateral partnerships meets Russian, Hungarian interests, he said

April 04, 2022 10:45

How did Hungary's Fidesz-KDNP win supermajority again?

This is not about the campaign for once

választás 2022 orbán viktor
April 04, 2022 09:10

Hungary makes headlines abroad after Orbán wins fourth consecutive term

Hungary all over the foreign press