Label: "vaccine"

koronavírus vakcina szputnyik orosz oltás getty stock
November 22, 2021 16:20

Vaccinations rev up in Hungary on first day of one-week campaign

Sweeping majority is third dose

koronavírus vakcina ampulla oltás járvány
November 22, 2021 14:25

Don't let Hungary's official vaccination rate fool you!

Waning effectiveness of vaccines must be considered

koronavírus labor covid járvány
November 22, 2021 12:30

COVID-19: Nearly 400 deaths, more than 27,000 new cases over the weekend in Hungary

Nearly 6,500 COVID-19 patients in hospital

oltás oltási akcióhét járvány koronavírus
November 22, 2021 10:27

Vaccination week begins in Hungary

No prior registration required

koronavírus teszt covid járvány
November 19, 2021 11:03

COVID-19: New daily cases hit all-time high in Hungary, and that's not even the biggest problem

Hospitalisations up 400% in four weeks

orbán viktor miniszterelnök
November 19, 2021 08:57

Hungary's Orbán: all of us will need to have Covid-19 shots eventually, there is no other way

PM addresses rampant spread of coronavirus in radio interview

koronavírus labor covid járvány
November 18, 2021 10:45

COVID-19: Nearly 11,000 new cases, almost 6,000 people in hospital in Hungary

131 Covid deaths overthe past 24 hours

koronavírus járvány vakcina
November 17, 2021 12:40

COVID-19: 178 deaths, more than 10,000 new cases in Hungary on Tuesday

Nearly 6,000 people in hospital

koronavírus járvány korona maszk védőruha
November 16, 2021 12:50

COVID-19: Hospitalisations double, severe cases up 75% from two weeks ago in Hungary

Tighter restrictions still not considered

November 16, 2021 11:22

Goodbye to Pfizer: penultimate shipment arrives in Hungary

More than 10.6 mn doses delivered so far

oltás vakcina harmadik oltás
November 16, 2021 08:45

Expert urges curfew in Hungary to curb spread of coronavirus

Nothing else will help at this stage

oltás vakcina iroda koronavírus
November 15, 2021 13:20

COVID-19: Over 21,000 new cases, 304 deaths over the weekend

Nearly 5,300 people in hospital, 519 on ventilator

oltás fecskendő
November 12, 2021 08:40

Need of hospitalisation extremely low with two or three COVID-19 jabs - Zacher

One vaccinated in every eight or nine coronavirus patients in ICUs

Mihail Murasko orosz egeszsegugyi miniszter
November 11, 2021 09:23

Only 0.4% of Sputnik V recipients in Hungary got COVID symptoms

Out of more than 1 mn vaccinated, Russia says

koronavírus vakcina oltás getty stock
November 10, 2021 16:10

EU green-lights new COVID-19 vaccine

Contract with Valneva approved

kórház egészségügy állami egészségügy koronavírus beteg orvos
November 08, 2021 13:05

COVID-19: 214 deaths, nearly 18,000 new cases in Hungary over the weekend

Nearly 4,000 people in hospital

egészségügy kórház sürgősségi
November 05, 2021 18:45

COVID-19: 83 deaths, over 6,800 new cases over the past 24 hours in Hungary

70% more people in hospital than a month ago

November 05, 2021 16:46

Rising number of children with COVID-19 need medical care in Hungary - Zacher

Multiple anti-pandemic measures are needed at once