Label: "vaccine"

vakcina oltás oltatás koronavírus
March 04, 2021 11:07

EMA starts rolling review of Russia's COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V

50 million doses available from June following approval

koronavírus járvány sejt
March 04, 2021 08:57

Third wave of coronavirus pandemic may peak late March

Provided vaccines work and are taken, expert warns

March 03, 2021 09:10

Hungary receives more vaccines from the West than the East

Vaccines for 1 mn people received so far

koronavirus intenziv osztaly lelegezteto
March 03, 2021 09:01

Hungary ICU admits increasingly younger COVID-19 patiens in increasingly severe condition

Intensive care physician mentions shockingly high figure

vakcina oltás védőoltás koronavírus kínai Sinopharm
March 02, 2021 13:45

Hungary is in a race against time, South African coronavirus variant in the country

Operational Corps holds press briefing

vakcinák oltóanyag oltás
March 02, 2021 09:29

EU common vaccine strategy falling apart

Four member states strike separate deals with outside manufacturers

oltás vakcina koronavírus mti
March 01, 2021 13:32

Hungary is in for a couple of rough weeks, CMO warns

Pandemic never had to be taken as seriously as now

oltás vakcina mti
March 01, 2021 12:07

COVID-19: Virus claimed more 15,000 lives in Hungary so far

Pandemic not letting up

vakcina oltás járvány
February 28, 2021 17:21

Hungary scraps type of COVID-19 vaccine from certificates

New secrecy may be problematic later on

vakcinák oltóanyag oltás
February 26, 2021 17:05

Hungarians' willingness to get vaccinated against COVID-19 flat

Preferences unchanged for weeks

koronavírus variáns tüskefehérje covid-19 mutáns vakcina
February 26, 2021 09:25

Hungary's Orbán announces worsened COVID-19 numbers

Pandemic at 2.5-month high

February 25, 2021 17:03

Hungary’s Orbán warns: worst two weeks in pandemic ahead

PM uploads dramatic message onto his Facebook page

hosok tere budapest
February 24, 2021 17:15

Hungary should mull tightening restrictions instead of easing them

Unpleasant conclusions deriving from pandemic situation

kórházi ágy egészségügy
February 24, 2021 13:35

Hungary CMO says re-opening due only after vaccinations

Not the most accurate prophecy

orbán viktor facebook
February 24, 2021 11:53

Hungary's Orbán says easing of restrictions untimely

But solution is being sought to one problematic issue

muller cecilia operativ torzs
February 22, 2021 15:05

Hungary CMO warns of exponential rise in epidemic curve

Various coronavirus mutations in the country

koronavirus magyarorszagon uj fertozottek elhunytak
February 22, 2021 09:09

COVID-19: More than 2,600 new cases in Hungary

48 people die of coronavirus-related diseases

February 19, 2021 13:11

South African coronavirus mutation is the most dangerous one yet - Hungarian virologist

More variants will surface as long as there's not enough vaccine

Orbán Viktor kossuth rádió
February 19, 2021 09:28

Hungary's Orbán: We're in a very dangerous moment

Third wave in pandemic begins, vaccination goals ambitious

vakcina oltás oltatás koronavírus
February 18, 2021 17:02

Hungarians more willing to get vaccinated against COVID-19

Survey shows decline was only temporary