Label: "vaccination"

iskolabezárás iskola suli iskolazárás koronavírus
April 06, 2021 13:14

Molecular biologist warns against re-opening of schools in Hungary

He urges gov't to be patient

April 06, 2021 09:43

Hungary on the brink of 2.5 million COVID-19 shots, start of re-opening

May sound good, but it's not

koronavírus covid magyarország immunitás
April 06, 2021 09:23

Hungary may face different kind of COVID future through immunity by recovery

Sooner or later, everyone will contract the disease

April 01, 2021 11:45

‘Moral law’ required Hungary to vaccinate all elderly first, PM says

Just two or three difficult weeks before ‘sunny and happy’ summer

iskolabezárás iskola suli iskolazárás koronavírus
April 01, 2021 09:05

Teachers’ union calls for postponing school opening

19 April too early for immunity to develop

nagy britannia buckingham palota
March 31, 2021 16:35

Hungary switches 'virus labs'? Re-opening scenarios need to be revisited

Focus should be on the United Kingdom

March 30, 2021 12:17

Hungarian virologist envisions mask-free outdoor activities in June

Hopes and dreams never die

March 30, 2021 11:33

3.62 mn people in Hungary register for vaccine

Hungary on track to reach 2.5 mn vaccinated by 10 April

szputnyik vakcina szallitmany 210329
March 30, 2021 09:40

Hungary to receive 250,000 doses of Russian COVID-19 vaccine today

Doses of previous batch of similar size can be administered now

merkely bela szputnyik
March 30, 2021 08:57

No way restrictions can be eased yet, expert says

‘Let’s hold out for another six weeks’

egészségügy kórház sürgősségi
March 29, 2021 16:48

Hungarian doctors warn 60-65% herd immunity will not do

Average age of COVID-19 patients in hospitals keep dropping

orbán viktor pintér sándor operatív törzs koronavírus
March 29, 2021 13:59

Hungary's Orbán asks teachers to register for COVID-19 vaccine

Three weeks before schools re-open

oltás oltakozás vakcina koronavírus
March 29, 2021 11:25

Hungarians willingness to get vaccinted against COVID-19 grows

Ratio of anti-vaxxers hit new low

oltás vakcina koronavírus pfizer
March 29, 2021 11:00

Hungary ranks 1st in EU in vaccine uptake

And second in per capita fatalities

koronavírus járvány korona maszk védőruha
March 29, 2021 09:58

COVID-19: Hungary death toll over 20,000

Lower number of new daily cases doesn't mean much

üzlet piac bolt
March 29, 2021 09:05

Hungary lockdown to be eased on 8 April, gov't decree shows

2.5 million vaccinated people is enough to lighten restrictions, gov't says

March 26, 2021 17:01

Hungary sets post-Easter re-opening date

Says 2.5 million vaccinated people are enough

koronavírus iskola
March 26, 2021 12:49

Something's wrong with Orbán's remark related to school re-opening

8-9 days? That won't do.

covid semmelweis egyetem koronavirus korhaz
March 26, 2021 09:52

COVID-19 in Hungary: daily cases hit another new high

So do fatalities, unfortunately

iskolabezárás iskola suli iskolazárás koronavírus
March 25, 2021 16:30

Schools to re-open in Hungary while teacher vaccination is uncertain

Economic re-opening could also be delayed further