Label: "ukraine"

ukrán gabona
January 22, 2024 10:00

Brussels backtracks on Ukrainian grain exports, which is good news for Hungary

New proposal to be tabled this week, an important detail has been leaked

ursula von der leyen
January 17, 2024 08:46

Ursula von der Leyen jabs at Hungary

Over its stance on supporting Ukraine

orbán zelenszkij
January 12, 2024 09:00

Preparations get underway for an Orbán-Zelensky summit

This is the aim of the Foreign Ministers' meeting between Hungary and Ukraine

January 12, 2024 08:13

U.S. slams Hungary over Ukraine policy

And over stance on Sweden's NATO accession

fordulat Ukrajna Magyarorszag Orban Viktor
January 11, 2024 10:18

Hungarian government makes a U-turn, agrees to support Ukraine from the EU budget

This is exactly the opposite of what Budapest wanted, and there are some interesting twists

meloni és orbán
January 11, 2024 09:52

Bloomberg: this time Orbán is manipulated by Meloni's EU party family over Ukraine

European Parliament calls for a change of political direction from the Fidesz

Hernádi Zsolt
January 02, 2024 10:07

Hungary Mol chief shares view on fuel price affecting factors in 2024

Question marks abound

December 27, 2023 16:17

Hungary is the only EU Member State disliked by almost half of Ukraine

Perception of Hungary is extremely bad, likely due to political differences

charles michel
December 27, 2023 14:01

EU member states mulling three options to circumvent Hungarian veto of Ukraine aid

They would bypass the Hungarian leadership completely, taking the veto out of the hands of the cabinet

December 27, 2023 08:06

Turkish Parliament's foreign affairs committee clears Sweden's accession to NATO

End of ratification process not in sight yet, though

December 21, 2023 10:50

Orbán: three-year wage increase programme could start for teachers and kindergarten nurses

The PM held an international press conference

Orbán Viktor
December 19, 2023 09:42

EU leaders consider stripping Hungary of its Council voting rights

Debate on Article 7 procedure reignited

Orban Viktor EU csucs Ukrajna csatlakozasi targyalas
December 18, 2023 09:14

All other EU countries seek to bypass Hungary on aid for Ukraine

There may be other options than amending the common budget

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
December 15, 2023 11:01

Hungarian economy functions also without EU funds - Orbán

Brüsszelből jelentkezett be a miniszterelnök.

európai unió tanácsa, Európai tanács
December 15, 2023 09:16

Viktor Orbán does not veto, EU accession talks with Ukraine can begin

However, he vetoed both the EU aid for Ukraine and the MFF revision

orbán viktor volodimir zelenszkij argentína
December 13, 2023 16:16

Hungarian PM Orbán says "Ukraine is losing"

Also talks about Ukraine EU accession

orbán viktor parlament
December 13, 2023 10:42

Hungary's Orbán reveals reason behind blocking Ukraine's EU accession talks

EU will cease to exist if it goes on like this, the PM argues

December 13, 2023 09:29

Hungarian government sets conditions for vote on Ukraine funding

The PM's political director provided some insight in a recent interview

December 12, 2023 17:25

Commission yet to approve payment of cohesion funds, Hungarian Parliament must act

Although it is widely believed that EU funds can now be released, not all conditions have been met