Label: "ukraine"

Orban Viktor Ursula von der Leyen RRF hitel elengedte a kormany 210427
March 23, 2022 08:55

Hungary Orbán asks Commission for all available EU funds

EU would provide part of the recovery funds to cut dependence on Russian energy

March 22, 2022 15:40

Hungary publishes rationale for 100bp rate hike

MNB turns a lot more gloomier

EU csucs Versailles
March 22, 2022 13:28

EU leaders to agree to unprecedented gas purchase measure

Set to jointly buy gas, LNG, draft statement shows

euronews orosz-ukran haboru
March 22, 2022 09:29

Russia bans Euronews media platform

After banning Facebook and Instagram

budapest parlament látcső magyar magyarország
March 22, 2022 09:02

Russia-Ukraine war to hurt Hungary really badly - Fitch Solutions

Economy could slam on the brakes real hard

russia facebook
March 21, 2022 15:30

Russia severing global ties: Bans Facebook and Instagram

Meta declared an 'extremist organisation'

EU csucs Merkel Oroszorszag 210624
March 21, 2022 09:50

EU to mull embargo on Russian oil in fifth sanctions package

There could be two key triggers for such action

MNB épület getty
March 21, 2022 08:50

Hungary cenbank in a most difficult position, it should predict the unpredictable

Updated CPI, GDP prognoses coming up

March 18, 2022 13:21

What are OTP's plans in Ukraine, Russia? - Hungary's largest bank issues statement

Analysing conditions, consequences of possible withdrawal from Russia

kreml moszkva oroszország
March 18, 2022 12:20

Moscow will prevent arms shipments from reaching Kyiv - Lavrov

Russia will not allow transfer of S-300 air defense systems to Ukraine

commerzbank frankfurt getty stock
March 18, 2022 09:14

Another major German bank to say goodbye to Russia

A couple of figures have been disclosed too

vlagyimir putyin orosz háború
March 18, 2022 08:42

Putin reveals list of demands for peace deal with Ukraine

Russian president would meet Zelenksy one-on-one

gázvezeték északi áramlat 2
March 17, 2022 16:10

Hungary to be among the biggest losers if it came to energy supply disruptions

OECD presents striking chart

March 17, 2022 14:55

OECD calculates what the Russian war means for the world

Wwindfall taxes on energy company profits recommended

kreml moszkva oroszország
March 17, 2022 12:15

Russia claims it helped avoid World War Three

This was the aim of the "special military operation" in Ukraine, official says

orbán viktor miniszterelnök
March 16, 2022 17:35

The war is spreading, more refugees may arrive in Hungary - Orbán

429,000 refugees have arrived in Hungary