Label: "ukraine"

agrárminiszter nagy istván
March 21, 2023 08:15

No EU aid for Hungary to alleviate disturbances in the cereals market, gov't in protest

Ukrainian grain never makes it to Africa and the Middle East, floods neighbouring markets

Kadri Simson Europai Bizottsag gazsporolasi rendelet1
March 20, 2023 16:40

Commission proposes to prolong gas demand reduction measures

By one year, and there's a twist in the proposal too

March 17, 2023 16:15

Yup, Hungary moves goal post further for approval of Finland, Sweden NATO accession

No one counts at this point, though

orbán viktor kormányfő
March 17, 2023 08:27

Hungarian gov't finally backs EU macro-financial assistance to Ukraine

The Minister of Finance was appointed the task

eu európai unió brüsszel
March 10, 2023 16:31

European Commission nods on Hungarian expenditure

Approves EUR 6.18 bn budget increase

fitch ratings hitelminősítő
March 10, 2023 08:45

Fitch Ratings issues report on Hungarian banking sector

The rating agency is optimistic even in the face of restraining circumstances

March 10, 2023 08:42

Hungary's Orbán stokes fears of world war

In radio interview

orbán viktor mkik gazdasági évnyitó
March 09, 2023 12:02

PM Orbán says Hungary needs 500,000 more workers

War is just the surface, PM says at year-opening event of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

orbán viktor miniszterelnök
March 02, 2023 17:12

Hungary's Orbán: "I understand what Putin said, but I do not accept what he did."

PM talks about Russia-Ukraine war

szankció, uniós jog, európai ügyészség, európai unió bírósága, eub
March 02, 2023 11:45

EU to shift focus on enforcement, thwarting circumvention, new sanctions envoy says

EPPO also to step up investigations

Európai Unió-Ukrajna, ukrán EU-csatlakozás.
March 02, 2023 10:47

EU defuses Hungarian weapon of veto over war

They would bypass the government's bungling by around €1 billion

bahmut ukrajna orosz háború getty stock
March 01, 2023 14:25

Nine arguments for special solutions that can make a difference in Ukraine's recovery

By Michael Castle-Miller and Dávid Szebeni

February 27, 2023 17:25

Seven sovereigns on Negative Outlook in Emerging Europe - Fitch

Just as at the height of the pandemic

európai bizottság brüsszel eu európai unió
February 27, 2023 08:40

EU adopts 10th package of sanctions against Russia in last-minute effort

Hungary also approves, nuclear energy sanctions skipped

david pressman
February 24, 2023 15:22

Pressman: there is no "peace camp" and "war camp"

U.S. Ambassador feels something was wrong with PM Orbán's SOTN address

orbán viktor miniszterelnök
February 24, 2023 09:10

Hungary's Orbán says "you can bet" inflation will be in single digits in December

Urges Fidesz faction to support Finland, Sweden NATO membership

February 22, 2023 15:49

World Bank, EBRD sign agreement to help Ukraine

First agreement of its kind with MIGA

oroszország moszkva kreml orosz
February 22, 2023 15:31

Hungary pays a lot of money to Russia

Five EU countries step up imports from Russia

February 22, 2023 09:22

Hungarian MPs to discuss Sweden, Finland NATO accession in early March

No further delays (possibly)