Teacher salaries lag behind in OECD in almost every aspect
Another increase coming
Extra money arrives in all school district centres
Advocacy group argues that argues that the granting of aid cannot be "at the discretion of the employer"
HUF 1.5 million monthly net salary in sight for some
Key economic issues discussed at press briefing
Thousands of job advertisements published over the summer break
The numbers do not add up
The Minister of the Interior makes announcement
The unions have launched a survey
No surprise here
The Hungarian government received a written guarantee from the EU
Wage adjustment can be expected twice this year
The Ministry of Interior has confirmed the news
The PM held an international press conference
In two out of three subjects
In particular, science and foreign language teachers may be transferred to neighbouring municipalities
5% of all teachers in public education left this year alone
Reaches HUF 1.6 billion by end-October
Want 50% pay rise