Label: "survey"

online konferencia videokonferencia
May 18, 2020 13:40

E-commerce a big winner of the coronavirus in Hungary as well

Virtual experiences and books the most popular items, Mastercard survey finds

May 14, 2020 17:30

Coronavirus has not crushed the Hungarian economy yet

Key data around the corner

ipar munkás dolgozó
April 20, 2020 09:05

GKI: another 100,000 people could lose their jobs in Hungary

50,000 to 60,000 could have been dismissed already

koronavírus recesszió elemzők
March 25, 2020 13:15

Analysts deem Hungary's coronavirus package too small

Painful recession looms, counter measures must be bigger, bolder!

March 24, 2020 08:46

Pensioners are the most sceptical about risk of COVID-19 infection in Hungary

Many think curfew is inevitable

March 09, 2020 10:42

Price pressure could have abated in Hungary in February

Impacts from coronavirus are not significant for now

March 06, 2020 16:11

Hungarian fund managers find new top pick

Results of Portfolio's monthly poll are here

gyár gyártás autógyár factory worker
March 05, 2020 08:26

Hungarian CEOs project major challenges for 2020

One of the main risks is exchange rate volatility

irodák ingatlanpiac
February 20, 2020 11:57

European property market to be constrained by construction costs

PwC survey identifies costs, availability of assets as major fears

duna hajó konténer
February 13, 2020 16:11

It's time to hit the brakes - Let's see how the Hungarian economy is doing

Q4 2019 growth data to be released on Friday morning

virágbolt kassza
February 12, 2020 09:05

Rise of consumer prices reaches pain threshold in Hungary

Inflation did not stop accleration in 2019

horváth ildikó egészségügy
February 10, 2020 13:35

70% of Hungarians do not think health care situation improved

Internal ministerial researches brought to light

mnb epulet
January 27, 2020 10:36

Hungary cenbank to make no move on Tuesday but it's getting there

Inflation and forint cause headache

January 13, 2020 10:10

Inflation jumped in Hungary, analysts say

Consumer price index could have reached upper end of tolerance range in Dec19

budapest magyarország forint árfolyam
January 02, 2020 10:51

2020: gear up for new all-time forint high!

Macro analysts look into the future

December 04, 2019 08:40

Two thirds of Hungarians have only three months' worth of savings

Survey uncovers dramatic results

November 13, 2019 13:47

What downturn?! Hungarian economic growth remains robust

Third-quarter GDP data to be released on Thursday

November 11, 2019 09:39

Christmas present budget nearly HUF 50,000 in Hungary this year

80% will order online

November 07, 2019 10:00

Price boom not in sight, consumer prices hardly grow in Hungary

Base effect helps

October 21, 2019 11:49

Winds have changed - How will the Hungarian central bank react?

Monetary easing in the next few months may be on the cards