Label: "statistics"

June 24, 2024 08:49

The forint faces further trials and tribulations this week, with many announcements to come

Watch out for important macro data releases this week

Felrobbant a fizikai dolgozók bére Magyarországon
April 22, 2024 10:08

Wages of manual workers explode in Hungary

20% increase in gross wages

March 18, 2024 09:20

Exciting week ahead for both the forint and the US dollar

Focus on international macro data this week

Már 300 ezer forintot kereshetsz az áruházakban
January 08, 2024 09:10

Retail trade in Hungary has moved from its low point

November data show an improvement, but a significant rebound may come only in 2024

January 08, 2024 08:15

Hungarian inflation data coming this week, along with other key events

We'll also get the US inflation data

elektromos auto eauto zöld rendszám elektromos autó töltés
January 05, 2024 11:07

Sales of electric cars have gone up in Hungary

While the domestic car market was struggling

magyar parlament számok
December 07, 2023 15:25

Eurostat looking into Hungarian inflation data

It's about the calculation method for energy inflation

November 08, 2023 09:00

Total confusion: How can Hungary's ailing tourism keep breaking records?

Putting the spotlight on oddities in the statistics

September 06, 2023 17:24

Hungary stats office explains enormous change in investment data

Revision was massive

export trade
August 08, 2023 09:19

Hungarian foreign trade improving at an astonishing pace

€1.5 billion surplus in a single month

MNB: heteken belül indul a bankok homokozója
August 07, 2023 10:52

Hungary's international reserves a slim margin away from historic peak

We asked the MNB Press Department about a strange movement

forint euro árfolyam 400 forint
August 07, 2023 06:29

Important inflation data to come this week, we may see big movements in the markets

Key data coming from the US and Hungary

July 25, 2023 13:00

Hungarian employees' financial woes ease, but no real recovery yet

Real wage trends still negative

tanuló iskolaelhagyó magányos magány egyedül
May 23, 2023 21:37

Share of early school leavers rises in Hungary, drops in EU

Staggering differences

Építkezés Építőipar
May 22, 2023 16:23

European construction output falls most since August 2021

Interest rates bite

felszámolás, csődeljárás, csőd, végelszámolás, csődegyezség
May 22, 2023 10:45

Is the real wave of bankruptcies only just beginning in Hungary?

Small businesses are increasingly hit by the crisis

idősek laptop tervezés jövő nyugdíj pénzügyek
April 17, 2023 15:20

There's a huge gap between men's and women's pensions in Hungary

Stats office publishes updated figures

April 14, 2023 11:39

Hungary can be envious of Slovakia's inflation

Sharpest m/m decline since early 2021