Households continue to save on gas under the double price of the overheads reduction scheme
With a capacity of 40 MW
Targets have been met early
Two announcements in one day
Investor Presentation reveals important information
New milestone close
Just when electricity prices went through the roof
Another important announcement is coming
They set out to support the domestic production of key technologies.
A single investor subscribed the entire credit line
Production records were broken several times
State Secretary Attila Steiner gave some important details
Presumably, many will prefer to move their development abroad
To cover the energy needs of nearly 15,000 households
HUF 11.5 billion investment to be ready in October
Could cover annual electricity needs of more than 8,000 households
Enough for 11,000 families for 25 years
43 MW Kaba Solar Park to start production this year
On Sunday, with solar plants and wind turbines in action
Project reaches milestone