Label: "science"

érettségi iskola középiskola
December 05, 2023 14:10

PISA results show eroding knowledge of Hungarian students

In two out of three subjects

Az állami pénzből megvalósult kutatásokat is reklámozni kell
July 06, 2023 09:43

Even the UK, out of the EU, gets into the EU research programme ahead of Hungary

UK is set to join the Horizon research programme even after Brexit

Tíz úttörő kutatás indul Magyarországon, bejelentették az ötmilliárd forint nyerteseit
June 19, 2023 10:07

Hungarian academia is seriously lagging behind

Hungary's scientific progress is slower not only compared to the EU, but also to the CEE and Baltic regions

koronavírus omikron mutáns variáns
June 15, 2022 09:20

Contracting omicron does not protect you from future infection

That is why case numbers remained high

June 28, 2021 11:57

Western world mismanaged pandemic, Ürge-Vorsatz says

Science should have communicated more efficiently

látás vakság szem
May 25, 2021 16:00

Historic moment: Optogenetic methods restore partial vision in a blind patient

Hungary's Botond Roska and team achieve scientific breakthrough