Label: "school"

iskola tanítás diák koronavírus járvány
October 14, 2021 08:57

Coronavirus spreads in Hungarian schools, risk mitigating measures still not in place

Nearly 300 schools are affected

iskola jelentkezés önkéntes tanuló diák suli
September 15, 2021 09:15

Hungary forbids whole classes, schools to switch to distance learning above 6th grade

Measures were not loose enough it seems

koronavírus vakcina
September 09, 2021 13:13

New data on children's vaccination in Hungary

Confusing when compared with ECDC figures

iskola jelentkezés önkéntes tanuló diák suli
September 08, 2021 12:50

Hungary has no intention to mitigate Covid risks in schools

Relies solely on vaccination coverage

koronavírus adatok sejt járvány
September 02, 2021 09:00

COVID-19: New cases to surge in Hungary in weeks, flu season is coming too

Immunologist says mandatory vaccination for teachers not a bad idea

August 26, 2021 08:54

COVID-19: 20 August celebrations to kickstart fourth wave

Effects to be seen next week

koronavírus járvány kórház egészségügy
August 18, 2021 12:54

Fourth wave could be rough and scary, infectologist urges restrictions

He does not expect such a huge load on hospitals, though

June 29, 2021 10:35

Hungary should have vaccinated children 12 to 15 before summer

Children returning to community will bring more new cases, paediatrician warns

újranyitás iskola koronavírus járvány
April 20, 2021 09:25

Hungary ministry reveals school re-opening statistics

75% of primary school students return to class

maszk korlátozás védelmi intézkedés koronavírus járvány
April 18, 2021 23:55

Hungarian government substantially eases lockdown measures

Restrictions now looser than before 8 March tightening

orbán viktor
April 16, 2021 08:48

Hungary's Orbán: "We could be out of the woods by the end of May"

A miniszterelnöki interjúról percről percre tudósítunk.

koronavírus iskola
April 15, 2021 16:40

Hungary eases regulations on school attendance

Is the flexible system better?

iskola járvány koronavírus
April 15, 2021 10:30

Teachers union protests re-opening of 1st-4th grades of primary schools, nurseries

Millions of people could be exposed to risk of infection unnecessarily

iskola tanítás diák koronavírus járvány
April 14, 2021 16:20

Should schools re-open in Hungary next week?

All open issues in the spotlight

Orbán Viktor Facebook-oldala Kossuth Rádió
April 09, 2021 08:47

Hungary postpones school re-opening to May

At least 4 mln Hungarians to be vaccinated by end of month, PM says

gulyás gergely
April 08, 2021 11:58

Hungary to open economy further in 5 to 6 days - minister

New milestone set in vaccination campaign

iskolabezárás iskola suli iskolazárás koronavírus
April 07, 2021 21:13

Hungary should not re-open schools, molecular biologist warns

At least 3 to 4 weeks would be needed before opening, but September would be best