Label: "recession"

April 08, 2020 08:45

COVID-19 will rough Hungary up more than other CEE countries

Hungarian growth stood out, so contraction also will

Orban Viktor iskolabezaras koronavirus bejelentes
April 06, 2020 11:00

Where will the Orbán cabinet have money for the giantic rescue package?

Central bank and debt managment agency spring into action

April 04, 2020 17:33

Hungary to impose special levies in scope of plan to mitigate coronavirus impacts

Economic stimulus package could reach 18-22% of GDP

April 01, 2020 08:01

IMF Board nods on new round of bilateral borrowing to help countries battle coronavirus

IMF money to be available also beyond 2020.

magyarország sötét dark
March 31, 2020 11:45

Coronavirus to hurt Hungary badly: GDP to plummet, deficit to surge, U-rate to double

Erste Bank publishes revised forecasts for CEE

koronavírus járvány piac
March 27, 2020 17:10

Time to wake up! Hungary's budget deficit will surge, the only question is how dramatically

Economy is freezing up, while government is only pussyfooting

mnb epulet
March 26, 2020 17:56

National Bank of Hungary comes up with really odd estimate

This is more of an economic psychological experiment than a prognosis

Varga Mihály
March 26, 2020 11:15

Hungary will fight COVID-19 with budget gap over 3.0% of GDP if it must - FinMin

1.0% target does not even come up anymore

koronavírus recesszió elemzők
March 25, 2020 13:15

Analysts deem Hungary's coronavirus package too small

Painful recession looms, counter measures must be bigger, bolder!

forint mnb épület sötét magyar jegybank
March 24, 2020 15:07

Hungary cenbank lowers growth forecasts due to COVID-19 outbreak

Yet, it remains highly optimistic

koronavírus vásárlás
March 24, 2020 09:53

Hungary to slump into recession this year - A view from London

Emerging Europe will suffer the same fate

koronavirus magyarorszag
March 23, 2020 15:50

COVID-19: Huge recession projected for Hungary

Morgan Stanley: the question is not whether contraction will be 1% or 2%

March 20, 2020 10:57

Hungary FinMin on COVID-19 fallout: "This year is largely done for."

If 2020 GDP growth is above zero, Varga will be happy

March 13, 2020 13:05

Hungary's Orbán cabinet steps on slippery path but it has no other option

Economic policy envisages recession, fiscal stimulus up ahead