ROE much higher in the region than in Western Europe
Top executives shared their views at Portfolio's Budapest Economic Forum conference
This one's under HUF 20,000, though
Bloomberg says four banks have submitted bids
A snapshot of banks' earnings reports
"The natural basis for income tax is profit."
Tax base shifts to profits, rate becomes banded until the end of 2023
Last massive wave of closures carried out in 2022
Regional banks play the main role in a relatively easy-to-explain story
The most interesting bits from the annual reports
Raiffeisen Hungary CEO talks with Portfolio
Hungarian operation also fared rather well in Q3
Profit doubled
Following the upgrade of Hungary’s macro profile
Double-digit rebound expected from Q2
804 millió euró volt a tavalyi nyereség az osztrák bankcsoportnál.
As well as of others in three countries
Move follows affirmation of sovereign rating
Dividend policy to be revisited in early 2021