Label: "protest"

April 10, 2017 22:46

Hungary President signs off new higher ed law, seals fate of CEU

CEU will take legal action, remains open to discussion, but says "academic freedom is not negotiable".

April 10, 2017 12:40

University directors call on Hungary's Orbán cabinet to withdraw 'lex CEU'

Did you know that Sunday's mass rally was organised by Soros?

April 10, 2017 10:37

Rally for CEU, against Hungarian gov't makes international headlines

World press watches Hungary again.

April 10, 2017 09:26

Tens of thousands rally in Budapest in support of CEU, against Orbán

Protest likely in vain, President seen signing higher ed law.

April 05, 2017 10:03

Objections to Hungary's 'lex CEU' mount

Thousands rally in support of CEU, list of international protesters lengthens.

April 05, 2017 09:04

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences urges Hungarian lawmakers to refrain from restricting scientific freedom

Nobel Prize awarding body speaks up against 'lex CEU'.

April 03, 2017 12:51

Hungary Fidesz caucus chief refers to non-existent probe in battle with CEU

Lajos Kósa calls CEU a "phantom university".

April 03, 2017 09:39

Hungary makes international headlines as CEU fights for survival

Thousands protest legislation which is considered an attack on freedom of education.

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