Label: "poland"

October 16, 2023 23:38

Prices have soared in Hungary instead of investment

Capital deepening has actually been slowing down

October 12, 2023 16:45

Poland extends control on Slovakian border

Until 2 November

September 28, 2023 15:20

Border control tightened between Visegrad countries

Poland has intensified road checks towards the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

lengyel katona ukrajna lengyelország
September 21, 2023 12:14

Warsaw says will honour previous arms supply deal with Ukraine

That was a quick about-face

lengyel fegyverek ukrajna drasztikus döntés
September 21, 2023 09:29

Poland stops arms shipments to Ukraine

Kyiv loses one of its closest allies

ukrán gabona
September 18, 2023 14:27

Ukraine to take Hungary to court, Commission also acts

Unilateral moves by Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia could have serious repercussions

nagy istvánn
September 13, 2023 11:41

Hungary plans to extend import ban on Ukrainian grains

New products may be added to the blacklist

szijjártó péter külügyminiszter
September 07, 2023 10:05

Foreign Minister announces gas imports from Poland

Péter Szijjártó announced the news in Karpacz, Poland

charles michel
June 30, 2023 17:42

Hungary and Poland block EU consensus on migration

Presidential statement instead of conclusions

dana spinant
June 30, 2023 15:03

EU responds to Orbán's speculation that Brussels has used up Hungary's funds

The money is there, safe and sound

June 29, 2023 11:23

Hungary Masterplast teams up with Polish firm to make glass wool

Hungarian firm gets billions in state aid

Csak semmi pánik! Nem lesz 350 milliárdos megszorítás Magyarországon
June 16, 2023 08:45

EP calls on Hungary and Poland to rein in spyware use and restore judicial independence

New EU Tech Lab could be set up to crack down on illegal spyware

May 10, 2023 08:55

MEPs sound alarm on spyware threatening democracy

Point to systemic issues in Hungary, Poland

varso lengyelorszag belweder elnöki palota
May 04, 2023 09:47

After Hungary, now Poland tries to put the crimp in post-Cotonou deal

Veto after veto after veto

ukrán gabona
April 19, 2023 08:45

Poland reaches agreement on Ukrainian grain imports

Meanwhile, the Hungarian government issued a decree on the matter too

ukrán gabona
April 18, 2023 09:15

Hungarian import ban on Ukrainian farm produce goes against EU rules - Czech minister

Nekula comments on same measure by Poland, Slovakia

April 18, 2023 08:30

UK, Hungary and Poland to veto Von der Leyen's NATO appointment

Another month, another Hungarian veto in the talks

ukrán gabona
April 17, 2023 08:48

European Commission condemns ban on Ukrainian agricultural products

Polish and Hungarian unilateral decisions deemed unacceptable

April 14, 2023 12:24

Hungary is stuck, another CEE inflation figure attests

Poland also reports drop in inflation after Czechia, Slovakia

February 22, 2023 09:20

Transport of Kazakh oil on the Friendship pipeline could start today

Poland and Germany have previously applied for Kazakh oil