Label: "payment"

Aál vizsgálódik a GVH
June 21, 2024 09:33 has serious issues again, several Hungarian accommodation providers in difficulty

There are problems with the company's financial IT system

Lecsapott a GVH a
September 07, 2023 10:05

Competition Authority carries out raid at's Budapest office

The accommodation portal has been holding back payments from several Hungarian clients since June at least

nyaralás turizmus
August 09, 2023 09:05 scandal: thousands of people could be put out of business

The Hungarian Tourism Agency has spoken out about the platform's late payments

Paks II
July 24, 2023 09:14

Paks Russian loan: exact amount of deferred payment revealed

Portfolio's calculation proved to be correct, it appeared in the justification of the Duma's decision

Resfal-3 jo
July 13, 2023 13:01

Hungary receives payment deferral on Russian loan for Paks II

The decree, published in the Russian Official Gazette, also covers the evasion of Western financial sanctions in the deal

navracs tibor
March 23, 2023 10:25

Hungary's EU funds minister: we have fewer forgivable sins than other member states

Tibor Navracsics still hopes to receive EU funds in the summer

azonnali fizetés euró digitális
October 25, 2022 16:43

New EU plan to bring instant payments to the euro zone

All banks would be legally required to.

revolut shutter
September 12, 2022 09:08

Revolut unveils online checkout feature to be available in Hungary too

One-click checkout feature

November 23, 2020 09:28

COVID-19: Hungary to make key announcements on Tuesday

Finance Minister heralds new measures after economic protection meet

May 26, 2020 10:22

Coronavirus hits Hungarian households in western regions hardest

Regions relying on tourism, car industry the most vulnerable

posterminal bankkartya card
October 21, 2019 11:27

EBA sets Dec 2020 deadline for PSD2

PSPs given 15-month extension

Charlotte Hogg visa Europe CEO 03
October 01, 2019 05:50

Visa plans major investments in Hungary, looks forward to exciting period

Interview with the Chief Executive Officer of Visa Europe

Revolut bankkártya
September 30, 2019 13:59

Visa and Revolut announce new deal

Gearing up for global conquest

July 16, 2019 08:58

Visitors leave HUF 100 mn on festival cards

Sziget organiser's revenues boosted by charitable forgetfulness.

March 04, 2019 12:30

Cross-border payment to become cheaper in EU

Council adopts reform to lower charges, increase transparency.

September 03, 2018 16:21

Cash-killing continues, yet only 1.4 mn Hungarians use their bank cards

14% of card holders do not use their plastics at all.

April 06, 2018 16:40

EC proposes to make cross-border euro payments cheaper

Portfolio asked Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President of the European Commission for the details.

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