Label: "paolo gentiloni"

Paolo Gentiloni
February 13, 2023 12:10

EU slams the table on surging public debts

Rigour relaxed because of pandemic and war is to return

europai bizottsag
December 15, 2022 09:45

European Commission: veto rights should be abolished in several areas

Debate on abuse of national vetoes in EP

európai bizottság brüsszel eu európai unió
October 04, 2022 09:44

European commissioners propose joint debt to tackle energy crisis

Joint bond issuance on the horizon?

eu európai unió brüsszel
June 23, 2022 15:10

Commission urges Hungary to reconsider stance on global minimum corporate tax

Paolo Gentiloni says the EU will not give up

európai bizottság brüsszel eu európai unió
July 07, 2021 14:49

EU to impose no further restrictions to contain Delta variant

Gentolini sees no ‘new restrictions substantially’

Paolo Gentiloni adomegallapodas velemeny cikk europai bizottsag
June 14, 2021 09:45

Hungary also has the opportunity to bring global tax rules into the contemporary world

Exclusive article by Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy

February 22, 2021 10:40

EU to decide in weeks how long it will keep turning a blind eye to public overspending

Re-calibration of Stability and Growth Pact on the agenda