Label: "pandemic"

gulyás gergely
July 09, 2020 13:10

Hungary may tighten travel rules shortly - Gulyás

PM's chief of staff holds press conference

July 09, 2020 12:29

Hungary faces deep recession in 2020 - Does it stand out in CEE?

How will the crisis affect Hungary's regional peers?

July 09, 2020 10:36

COVID-19 in Hungary: 10 new cases, 2 fatalities on Wednesday

No new infections in Budapest for fifth day in a row

export trade
July 09, 2020 09:00

Hungary's foreign trade hardly improves after collapse

Export and import both plummet

July 08, 2020 12:45

Hungary posts gigantic budget deficit against coronavirus background

H1 deficit is five times as large as the annual goal

maszkhasznalata magyarorszag budapest
July 08, 2020 08:55

Hungarians fed up with mandatory mask-wearing

Summer heat melts morale

koronavius maszk
July 08, 2020 08:50

COVID-19 in Hungary: active cases decrease again

No fatalities for four days in a row

July 07, 2020 19:07

Inflation jumps in Hungary due to fuel prices - What next?

Analysts share CPI outlook

eu zászló
July 07, 2020 15:01

Commission projects deeper recession for EU than before

Recovery will not be full even in 2021

July 07, 2020 10:05

COVID-19 in Hungary: daily new cases highest for a month

No fatalities for third day in a row

worker dolgozó gyár ipar
July 07, 2020 09:00

Hungary's industry takes a nosedive in May, but there are some reassuring signs

Production decreases in all subsections

July 06, 2020 10:55

COVID-19 in Hungary: no fatalities on Sunday

No new cases reported from Budapest

July 03, 2020 10:06

COVID-19 in Hungary: a singe fatality on Thursday

Active cases down by 26

munkás dolgozó ipar sötét
July 02, 2020 11:50

Hungarian companies laid off up to 170,000 employees in pandemic - GKI

World of labour has changed

koronavírus kórház idősotthon
July 02, 2020 10:20

COVID-19: Nine new cases in Hungary

One patient dies

orbán viktor gulyás gergely parlament
July 02, 2020 09:35

Hungarian government exhausts coronavirus war chest in no time

Spends most of Economic Protection Fund

July 01, 2020 17:28

Here's the latest ranking of Hungarian brokerages

Wood remains on throne in June

factory worket dolgozó ipar gyár
July 01, 2020 15:00

How can employment and unemployment grow at the same time in Hungary ?

The answer is in methodology

factory worket ipar dolgozó gyári munkás
July 01, 2020 11:40

ANALYST VIEW: ING sees deeper recession in Hungary than before

Uncertainties abound

koronavírus metró getty stock
July 01, 2020 10:00

COVID-19: Two new confirmed cases in Hungary

One coronavirus patient dies