Label: "pandemic"

intenziv osztaly semmelweis egyetem koronavírus kórház
April 07, 2021 09:11

COVID-19: Daily deaths at new all-time high

Nearly 200 more people in hospital

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April 06, 2021 16:15

Hungary could prove resilient in 3rd pandemic wave, but inflation will hurt

IMF publishes updated esimates

iskolabezárás iskola suli iskolazárás koronavírus
April 06, 2021 13:14

Molecular biologist warns against re-opening of schools in Hungary

He urges gov't to be patient

April 06, 2021 09:43

Hungary on the brink of 2.5 million COVID-19 shots, start of re-opening

May sound good, but it's not

April 01, 2021 11:45

‘Moral law’ required Hungary to vaccinate all elderly first, PM says

Just two or three difficult weeks before ‘sunny and happy’ summer

koronavirus korhaz
April 01, 2021 10:05

COVID-19 in Hungary: 9,288 new cases, 258 dead

Vaccine uptake now 21.6%

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March 31, 2021 16:35

Hungary switches 'virus labs'? Re-opening scenarios need to be revisited

Focus should be on the United Kingdom

család home office koronavírus_getty stock
March 31, 2021 13:35

Fewer Hungarians worked from home in 2nd wave of pandemic than in 1st

Peak of 1st wave have not reached yet

egészségügy kórház sürgősségi
March 31, 2021 13:00

Time to be smart: Postponed procedures create challenge for health care systems

Interview with London-based PwC expert

koronavírus járvány mintavétel teszt covid-19 magyar adat
March 31, 2021 09:47

COVID-19 in Hungary: new cases down for fifth day in a row

Fatalities hit another new high

varga mihaly penzügyminisztérium
March 31, 2021 09:29

Hungary's GDP growth could be surprisingly fast, deficit goal raised to 7.5% of GDP

Finance Minister addresses key economic issues in interview

koronavirus korhaz
March 30, 2021 12:35

Hungary publishes daily COVID-19 stats with unprecedented delay

274 deaths over the past 24 hours

March 30, 2021 12:17

Hungarian virologist envisions mask-free outdoor activities in June

Hopes and dreams never die

szputnyik vakcina szallitmany 210329
March 30, 2021 09:40

Hungary to receive 250,000 doses of Russian COVID-19 vaccine today

Doses of previous batch of similar size can be administered now

gyári munkás factory worker dolgozó gyár
March 30, 2021 09:00

Employment in Hungary down 104,000 yr/yr in February

Unemployment reaches 4.5%

egészségügy kórház sürgősségi
March 29, 2021 16:48

Hungarian doctors warn 60-65% herd immunity will not do

Average age of COVID-19 patients in hospitals keep dropping

orbán viktor pintér sándor operatív törzs koronavírus
March 29, 2021 13:59

Hungary's Orbán asks teachers to register for COVID-19 vaccine

Three weeks before schools re-open

oltás oltakozás vakcina koronavírus
March 29, 2021 11:25

Hungarians willingness to get vaccinted against COVID-19 grows

Ratio of anti-vaxxers hit new low