The final price for Societe Generale Montenegro is EUR 35.6 mn.
Monthly survey results published.
Additional measures may be required as revenues peak, OTP analysts say.
The bank now holds more than 500,000 of its own shares.
U.S. investment fund Apollo is the winning bidder.
Nearly 21,000 stocks.
OTP eyes Abanka?
Not a small one, that's for sure.
State announces sell-off.
OTP steps up share purchase programme under April's AGM resolution.
OTP will keep buying its shares under April's AGM resolution.
Apple Pay launched, more than 10,000 registrations made within a few hours.
In the amount of USD 893,400.
Midcaps remain appealing.
Total income rises to all-time high.
Via acquisitions and organically, as well.
And now it's time for OTP to rest.
SKB is not only a soundly managed, but also a quite large bank.
From SocGen.