Economic domino effect in action
Norway awards 47 oil and gas exploration permits
Production to be stepped up next year
Decree published in Official Gazette
The price ceiling on Russian oil is effective as of today
No announcement was made on BSE
It no longer constitutes a political advantage
According to Gábor Egri, President of the Independent Petrol Stations Association
Not as much as many hope.
Brent-type light oil found near Vecsés
The new well is expected to increase Hungary's oil production by 5%.
Hungary Foreign Minister announces good but expected news
After natural gas, oil also faces sanctions.
Cheap Russian gas still has its effect
Another half billion result to come.
LNG is insufficient, oil is expensive, says Fatih Birol
Causes yet to be determined
List expected to expand in the coming weeks
Says it will stop deliveries to them
European bank can continue to handle transit fee transfers. (Európai bank bonyolíthatja tovább a tranzitdíj-átutalásokat.)