Label: "non-governmental organisation"

February 24, 2025 12:30

Hungary's Orbán announces huge tax reduction

And made a few fancy comments too

Európai Unió-Európai Bizottság-lengyelország-külügyminisztérium-norvégia-tárgyalás-norvég alap-uniós elnökség-civil szervezetek
December 06, 2024 09:40

Hungary eyes suspended Norway Grants, willing to negotiate

Funding on the way

vera jourova europai bizottsag lengyel birosagi reform 210208
April 28, 2023 09:45

Brussels declares war on foreign agents, with many concerned about the Hungarian government's example

The Hungarian NGO law is not considered a good example

May 15, 2018 12:17

Besieged Open Society Foundations to move to Berlin from Budapest

PM Orbán's cabinet to toughen anti-NGO law.

December 07, 2017 11:46

Commission refers Hungary to Court of Justice in three cases

Infringement procedures on Higher Education Law, law on foreign-funded NGOs, relocation taken one step further.

July 12, 2017 10:02

Hungary to be under siege by Brussels

Announcements expected on Thursday.

June 20, 2017 14:56

U.S. State Department also objects to Hungary's new NGO law

It claims Hungary takes another step away from principles and values central to EU, NATO.